Pubdate: Sat, 26 Jan 2013
Source: Evening News, The (CN NS)
Copyright: 2013 The Evening News
Author: Sueann Musick


In wake of bath salts bust: police say synthetic drug use on rise

NEW GLASGOW - Three large plastic bags sit side by side on a table in
the boardroom of New Glasgow Regional Police Service.

To an unsuspecting eye, the contents resemble flour, but instead the
bags hold one of the most dangerous synthetic drugs being sold
illegally in Canada.

"I spoke with some people who have chosen to take bath salts and when
they are coming down and sobering up, you can have some interesting
conversations with them," said Const. Bryce Haight of the Pictou
County RCMP. "These are hardcore, long-term drug users, and the first
thing they will say is, 'tell people not to use this stuff.' These
hardcore drug addicts are saying this is the worst thing they've ever

Local law enforcement has been dealing with bath salts for more than a
year and a recent change in federal legislation has made it illegal
not only to traffic it, but also to have in your possession.

A few times a month, someone will stand before a local judge charged
with possessing bath salts, but a significant drug bust in Lyons Brook
earlier this week drew new attention to the presence of it in the county.

A 22-year-old man was arrested earlier this week after being stopped
during a routine vehicle check and arrested for possession of
marijuana. However, when the Pictou County Integrated Street Crime
Enforcement Unit searched his home the next day, it seized six pounds
of bath salts valued at more than $350,000.

Haight said while the drug bust was large in size, it will not
completely eliminate bath salts from Pictou County.

"This is a significant seizure, but I don't know if it will ever be
under control," said Haight. "It is like any other drug. People have
strong addictions and the urge is there. People are creative, they are
driven by desire and addiction itself. I don't think one seizure is
going to solve Pictou County's bath salt problem. I would be naive to
suggest that, but it will put in a significant dent."

However, police opted Friday to take advantage of the news headlines
surrounding the bust and clear up a few common misconceptions about
the drug.

Const. Ken MacDonald with New Glasgow Regional Police Services said
the big misconception is that people believe the drug looks like
"Epsom salts."

"It is basically made up of synthetic stimulants that are found in a
number of household and retail products. There are bath salts that
look like that, but the stuff in Pictou County, that we are finding,
looks like the stuff we have here today."

It is often sold in power form in small plastic or foil packages of
200 to 500 milligrams under various brand names. One gram can be sold
on the street for between $100 and $200.

In general, MacDonald said, synthetic drugs are on the rise, but
because of the highly addictive qualities in the new brand of drugs,
the days of experimentation are long gone.

"Experimentation is not like it used be years ago," he said. "Your
addiction rates are higher."

He said drugs that have similar effects are amphetamines, cocaine,
Khat, LSD and MDMA.

People who abuse these substances have reported agitation, insomnia,
irritability, dizziness, depression, paranoia, delusions, suicidal
thoughts, seizures and panic attacks. Users have also reported effects
including impaired perception, reduced motor control and decreased
ability to think clearly.

Inhalation is the most common way to consume bath salts, said Haight,
but this can be done unknowingly when someone purchases another drug
laced with this product.

"Marijuana has been known to be laced with bath salts," he said.
"People might think they're purchasing marijuana and not know what
they are getting. It only takes one or two applications and you are

Both officers agree that the most common users of bath salts are
between the ages of 20 and 25 years.

"What I find from my experience is that it's not in the schools," said
Haight. "This is a drug that is being used by someone who has been
addicted for a number of years and they are chasing the next high.
This is the next high, so the more they smoke, they more need."

MacDonald said the publicity surrounding bath salts has captured the
attention of young school-age children so it's important the local
police continue to educate students on the dangers of drugs and
alcohol use through its DARE program.

"We are giving the kids the information and resources to make the
right choices," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Matt