Pubdate: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 Source: Windsor Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2013 The Windsor Star Contact: Details: Author: Trevor Wilhelm Page: A2 DRUG DEALER DENIED COMPENSATION Claimed he was beaten with bat and stabbed Crime doesn't pay, and for drug dealer Gregory Hunter, neither does the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. After Hunter went to his socalled friend's house to buy OxyContin and resell it - then ended up beaten and stabbed - he asked the board Friday for a pain and suffering payout. They denied his claim. Despite that, Hunter, with his mom at his side, gave a harrowing description Friday of his friend's doublecross. "Two hands over his head, hitting me in the head with a baseball bat, another five times, six times," said Hunter, 42, who made money as a drug dealer and under-the-table construction worker. The board holds hearings in Windsor for one week every few months. Board members typically hear about 18 cases each week in Windsor, or about 100 a year. It's not clear how much money the board has given out in Windsor. But in 2011-2012 the board awarded $36.2 million to victims at 3,944 hearings across Ontario. On Friday, the board didn't dispute that Hunter's friend beat him with a baseball bat and stabbed him with a folding knife. But they still didn't believe that entitled him to compensation because he was "unreliable and not credible." On May 28, 2008 he went to see his friend, referred to as Neil, with $3,000 to buy 200 OxyContin pills. "He was a good friend, I had thought," said Hunter. The plan was to meet another one of Neil's friends, who had the Oxy. Hunter pulled into Neil's driveway. Neil told Hunter to pull into the back alley. They made small talk in the backyard. The third guy didn't show up. More time passed. Still no drug dealer. "Finally I said your buddy's not showing up so I'm gonna leave," said Hunter. "I turned around to walk away and bam, I got hit in the back of the head." Hunter said he was dazed. "He came back and he hit me across the face with a baseball bat." Hunter fell face down on the ground. Neil came at him again, smacking him repeatedly across his head and back with the bat. Hunter said he grabbed the bat. The two struggled. "I wasn't letting go," said Hunter. "I figured he was trying to kill me." They both ended up on the ground. Neil was up first, holding a big knife. Hunter said his friend stabbed him twice in the chest and twice in the face. Then Neil took his coat off. "He got behind me and wrapped it around my face," said Hunter. "He pushed me to the ground. He was suffocating me with his coat." Hunter said he pretended to fall unconscious. When Neil loosened his grip, Hunter said he broke free and tried to flee. Neil cut him off. Then Neil's wife came out screaming at them to stop. Hunter sat on the back porch. They briefly argued about who would call paramedics before Hunter got into his Jeep and drove to the hospital. In the hospital, police asked Hunter what he was doing with $3,000. He told them he was buying a stereo. Windsor police Staff Sgt. Mark Denonville said Hunter wasn't upfront about other things. Adjudicator Keith Forde said Hunter, as a drug dealer looking to make a score, was responsible for putting himself at risk. "We cannot see how we could justify giving you any compensation," said Forde. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt