Pubdate: Mon, 04 Feb 2013
Source: Lantern, The (Ohio State U, OH Edu)
Copyright: 2013 The Lantern
Author: Caroline Keyes


In the aftermath of famous cyclist Lance Armstrong's doping
confession, the Ohio State athletic department vows to remain firm on
their drug testing procedures for student-athletes.

"I think that as it has played out, you're seeing the lengths that he
went to in particular to not get caught, and it highlights the need
for why we test," said assistant athletic director Janine Oman. "Our
policy is really based around testing and we will continue to test for
those very reasons."

Armstrong confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs in each of
his seven straight Tour de France victories in a January interview
with Oprah Winfrey, and was stripped of all titles he won from 1999 to
2005 after a United States Anti-Doping Agency investigation. Oman said
every sport is subjected to illegal drug testing in order to protect
the integrity and honesty of both the athletes and the university.

"On a whole, we do test usually anywhere from three to four times a
week," Oman said. "We do team-based testing so we have testers on
campus every week."

OSU contracts Aegis Laboratories based in Nashville, Tenn., to conduct
the testing. Typically about 2,200 student-athlete drug tests are
administered each year, costing the university about from $80,000 to
$85,000 annually, Oman said.

Oman would not disclose how many positive tests were returned between
2010 and 2012 due to "privacy issues."

According to OSU Department of Athletics policies, any use of illegal
performance enhancers "gives a student-athlete an unfair advantage and
their use constitutes cheating."

While a student-athlete at the university, individuals might be
subject to OSU testing as well as NCAA testing and Big Ten testing.
For the testing conducted by the university, "zero notification is the
norm," according to policy guidelines.

The OSU policy further states that if an athlete does test positive
for performance-enhancing drugs, he or she will be suspended for the
next 25 percent of their respective competitive season play. Upon a
second positive testing, the student-athlete "will lose all remaining
eligibility and loss of athletic grant-in-aid," according to the
online policy listed online.

In addition to testing for performance enhancers, OSU also tests
student-athletes for evidence of other "street drugs" and alcohol
abuse. On a first positive, the student-athlete will undergo a
supervised management plan to address the issue. Second and third
positives might result in a two-week suspension or suspension "for a
minimum of one calendar year," as well as the possible termination of
athletic aid.

Rachel Conley, a second-year in health sciences, said the Armstrong
case is a "shame," especially since he was a role model for many. She
also said she believes testing for illegal performance enhancers in
OSU athletes is important.

"I think it's good to make sure athletes have the resources they need
and people available to look up to and lead them in the right
direction," Conley said. "Obviously testing is the biggest solution
and (there should be) severe punishment if they do find it."

Oman explained that the reason the athletic department does test so
frequently is to create a deterrent to the problem.

Amataya Boonyakieat, a third-year in economics, said he has "mixed
feelings" about random testing for illegal performance enhancers.

"I'd like to think that athletes would do the best they can on their
own, but then I think that human nature says, 'I want a competitive
edge,' and they're going to do anything they can to do," he said.
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