Pubdate: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 Source: Statesman Journal (Salem, OR) Copyright: 2013 Statesman Journal Contact: Website: Details: Author: Queenie Wong BILL TO ALLOW MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD ADVANCES A bill that would allow people with post-traumatic stress disorder to get medical marijuana cards advanced Thursday despite mixed views from lawmakers. The Senate Health and Human Services Committee passed Senate Bill 281 on a 4-1 vote, referring it to the Senate President's desk where it will be assigned another committee. It's expected to move to the Senate Judiciary Committee next. Use of medical marijuana is currently allowed in the state for patients with certain debilitating medical conditions such as cancer, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, HIV and AIDS. The bill would add PTSD to that list. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that occurs in people who have seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or death. Some lawmakers said they were convinced by testimony that medical marijuana could effectively treat PTSD, but others were skeptical. Chairwoman of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson, D-Gresham, said she heard some compelling reasons during the public hearing why PTSD should be added to the state's medical marijuana list. Those who were dealing with PTSD told lawmakers that medical marijuana helped with nightmares and flashbacks, she said. Sen. Jeff Kruse, R-Roseburg, voted against the bill. He said lawmakers should take a broader look at the state's medical marijuana program. "If we are we going to treat marijuana as a medicine it should be treated as any other prescription," he said. But Kruse also suggested that therapy might be a more effective way to treat PTSD as opposed to prescribing a drug. Lawmakers debated whether or not the bill should be advanced to another committee with a do pass recommendation or no recommendation. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom