Pubdate: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 Source: Windsor Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2013 The Windsor Star Contact: Details: Author: Trevor Wilhelm POLICE CRACK DOWN ON 'LEGAL WEED' Warnings Issued to Store Owners Windsor police are cracking down on a controversial synthetic marijuana, seizing it from local stores and warning owners to stop selling it. After consulting with local prosecutors and Health Canada, drug squad officers went around town Wednesday seizing the drug, known as The IZMS. "The product is marketed as legal weed," said Sgt. Matthew D'Asti. "We're educating store owners that, in fact, we know it is illegal." In recent weeks, police have purchased packages of the product and sent it to Health Canada for testing. D'Asti said tests revealed the product contains illegal synthetic cannabinoids listed under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Distributors of the potent synthetic marijuana claim it's legal and more powerful than the real thing. It has been available at some smoke shops and convenience stores in the Windsor area for several months. Windsor police weren't planning to arrest anyone on Wednesday. They were on an "educational campaign," handing out a letter from Chief Al Frederick warning store owners that selling the drug is illegal. The move in Windsor follows crackdowns and seizures in other cities, including the arrest of the company owner's father in Toronto. On Feb. 28, Hamilton and Toronto police executed search warrants at two locations in Toronto. Hamilton police said the raids were part of an investigation into synthetic marijuana and the owner of The IZMS company, who investigators believe was "trafficking and producing the narcotic." A search of one of the locations turned up 200 grams of marijuana and 45 grams of cannabis resin, police said. Peter Wookey, 53, of Toronto, is charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and possession of cannabis resin for the purpose of trafficking. Peter Wookey is the father of The IZMS CEO Adam Wookey. Adam Wookey told The Star on Wednesday he is consulting lawyers to decide his next steps. He still maintains the product is perfectly legal. "Have there been any charges in relation to The IZMS?" said Wookey. "As far as I'm aware there aren't, which is odd. If it's illegal then why aren't they charging anyone." He refused to comment on the fact his father was just arrested and charged in an investigation of The IZMS. D'Asti said police are starting out by warning people The IZMS is illegal. If buyers and store owners don't take the hint, things could change. But he added many Windsor stores had already stopped selling the drug anyway, because they were no longer comfortable having it on the shelves. "We're advising retailers, and the general public as well, that anybody who is found in possession of The IZMS could potentially face prosecution under the CDSA in relation to possession of an illegal drug or possession for the purpose of trafficking an illegal substance," said D'Asti. The company says the product is a mix of natural and synthetic ingredients, but refuses to reveal exactly what they are. The IZMS website claims the product is legal because it contains cannabinoids that are not included under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Health Canada previously told The Star it is possible to produce synthetic versions of components in marijuana, but it's still illegal. Despite that, the company unabashedly promotes and sells its product online and at local distributors. The IZMS comes in several different price points and flavours, including Grape Drank, Gin N' Juice, Boom Kron, Bomberry Blue and Luau Love. Different flavours have different potencies. People in the U.S. have ended up in hospital after smoking other kinds of synthetic weed. Several users in Canada have posted to online message boards talking about the "terrifying" effects of The IZMS, including hallucinations, vomiting and paranoia. Wookey said he believes recent police action against his company is a scare tactic with no legal grounding. "I think it's to put fear in people's minds so they're scared of selling," said Wookey. "So they can basically, without passing any laws, in effect also make something as if it is illegal. If no one will sell it, everyone's scared to sell it, then you've basically banned something without actually having to go to Parliament. "Kind of crazy in a democracy, but hey." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom