Pubdate: Sun, 10 Mar 2013
Source: Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ)
Copyright: 2013 The Arizona Republic
Author: Lindsey Collom


Sen. Kimberly Yee has become the go-to legislator for bills involving 
Arizona's medical-marijuana law.

The Phoenix Republican is the primary sponsor of three measures this 
session that would tighten what members in the law-enforcement 
community have identified as loopholes in the 2010 voter-mandated law 
as well as pave the way for university researchers to study the 
effects of medical marijuana.

Her bills give direction to law enforcement on what to do with 
medical marijuana that is seized during a criminal investigation 
(destroy it) and would require manufacturers to put warning labels on 
edible medical-marijuana products - ice cream and candy, items 
attractive to children - similar to those on cigarettes.

We recently spoke with Yee about her work involving the 
medical-marijuana act. Here's an edited excerpt:

Question: All of your bills to modify the medical-pot law have passed 
through the Senate and are advancing in the House, unlike a repeal 
measure that went nowhere. Does that say something about legislators' 
acceptance of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act?

Answer: A small majority of voters passed this medical-marijuana act 
in 2010, so clearly it was the will of the voters to proceed with 
medical marijuana in this state. I believe it is the legislators' 
role at this point to close any loopholes that they see in the 
measure, and so that's what we're doing here. It's certainly not in 
the same path as (the) one person who sponsored the bill in repealing 
the act altogether.

Q: Some critics say medical marijuana is the first step toward lawful 
recreational use. Is that where Arizona is headed?

A: I know there are some states that are moving towards recreational 
use of marijuana. I don't believe that's something this state should 
(do). The voters in Arizona voted for this medical-marijuana act 
because it was medically based, and that's what these bills are 
about, keeping it medically based. I'm finding by talking to a number 
of individuals in Arizona they didn't realize some of the other 
elements contained in the act. For instance, allowing any person of 
any age, even babies and children, to have medical-marijuana use. If 
they had known that, they may not have voted on it.

Q: In addressing medical marijuana, are you finding resistance among 
your own party?

A: In committee today I did - a Higher Education Committee in the 
House where at least one Republican gave indication that he was not 
supporting any bill that had the word marijuana in (it). I thought 
that was surprising because, clearly, these bills have the words 
contained in the act. Just because a person sponsors a 
medical-marijuana bill does not mean that you're advancing medical 
marijuana in this state. In fact, if this legislator had actually 
read the bill, he would see that medical marijuana is actually being 
advanced in a way that voters intended.

Q: You got a little defensive.

A: Yes, I think he was indicating in his statements that if you have 
a bill that contains the word marijuana, you would be considered a 
liberal. And I found that to be shortsighted because legislators 
should actually open the bills, read them and look at the policy 
within that bill. And if this particular member had done that, they 
would see this bill is about medical research, very tight scientific 
studies that are approved not only by our federal government, but our 
state universities in a very specified and secure setting. And I 
wouldn't have been the sponsor of this bill otherwise, without all of 
those restrictions on the bill and ensuring that we do look at 
medical research in this area. And I think what's important about 
this that is we may find, after our research is conducted at our 
universities, that we'll be able to better understand both the 
positive and negative effects of medical marijuana. But we really 
can't proceed blindly and continue forward in a public-policy setting 
without this very important information.

Q: Are you a medical-marijuana cardholder?

A: No, I'm not a cardholder. I carry a lot of bills. These are just 
four of them. These are health and public safety related, and 
education obviously. So the bills I sponsor run the gamut, and I 
think that's a good broad scope. We need to carefully select the 
bills we sponsor and that's what I do.

Q: Anything else?

A: I think it's important for voters to know that as we have these 
types of statewide ballot initiatives, to really read them and get a 
full extent of what they're about. As we've seen in the medical- 
marijuana act, there were a number of loopholes that weren't ready 
for prime time. As a result, the Legislature, in the third year after 
the measure passed, has had to look to see how we can better 
implement this medical-marijuana law in Arizona. And also for voters 
to understand what was in this medical-marijuana act that has caused 
some concern. For instance, I think it would be important to let 
readers know the medical-marijuana act allowed for infants and young 
children to have access to medical marijuana. I don't think voters 
realized there was no age restriction. Regardless, the voters in 
Arizona passed this as a slight majority, and that's where we are today.
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