Pubdate: Tue, 12 Mar 2013
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2013 The Denver Post Corp
Author: John Ingold
Page: 2A


The University of Colorado at Boulder campus will lock shut to all
outsiders again this year on April 20, in an effort to combat a
long-running marijuana smoke-out.

No one without a campus I.D. or an official visitor's pass will be
allowed on campus on April 20- a day cannabis enthusiasts refer to as
4/20 and consider a holiday. CU officials are less festive about the
day, which has in the past drawn more than 10,000 potpuffing people to
campus and turned school lawns into crowded, hazy hazards in the eyes
of CU leaders.

"We are committed to ending the unwelcome 4/20 gathering on the
CU-Boulder campus," CU-Boulder Chancellor Philip DiStefano said in a
statement. "... This isn't about marijuana or drug laws. It's about
not disrupting the important work of a world-class

CU has long struggled with how to keep away the high hordes. A campus
closure last year only half succeeded in keeping pot smokers out. The
smoke-out shrunk dramatically and moved from its traditional spot,
but, at 4:20 p.m., defiant marijuana supporters still puffed up a
cloud of smoke.

Campus leaders may have more reasons than ever to fear a large-scale

This April 20 is the first since Colorado voters legalized marijuana
use and limited possession in November. The measure does not allow
public use-meaning all outdoor 4/20 smoke-outs remain illegal. And CU
still forbids marijuana on campus as a matter of policy.

But legalization will bring extra attention to the state this April.
High Times magazine plans to hold its annual Cannabis Cup marijuana
competition in Denver this year. Since April 20 falls on a weekend,
organizers of the annual gathering in Denver are also planning a
two-day cannabis festival in Civic Center Park.
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MAP posted-by: Matt