Pubdate: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 Source: Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Copyright: 2013 The Arizona Republic Contact: Website: Details: Author: Michelle Ye Hee Lee Page: B1 NEV. LAWMAKERS TOUR GLENDALE MEDICAL-POT FACILITY Nevada lawmakers on Friday toured a medical-marijuana dispensary in Glendale to learn how the system works in Arizona. Arizona is still early in the process of opening dispensaries. Sen. Tick Segerblom of Nevada said there are concerns in Nevada that opening dispensaries there could open room for abuse, especially by minors. "I figure that if Arizona can do it - the most conservative state in the country - there's no reason that Nevada can't do it," Segerblom said. Four Nevada senators and an assembly member visited Arizona Organix on Friday, then traveled to the state Capitol to meet with Arizona legislators. Bill Myer, an owner and director at Arizona Organix, called the visit "fantastic." He showed visitors cultivation facilities and varied security measures. "They were taking notes fast and furiously," Myer said. Segerblom was impressed. "It's not just where you walk into the building and you give somebody $10 to hand you a joint," he said. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom