Pubdate: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 2013 The New York Times Company Contact: Website: Details: UNFAIR PUNISHMENTS Congress embraced a destructive policy when it decreed in 1996 that people convicted of drug felonies would henceforth be banned for life from receiving food stamps or cash assistance unless they lived in a state that expressly opted out of the ban. The bans affected the country's most vulnerable families, including women with children. And by denying welfare benefits to former drug addicts, the government makes it much harder for them to get access to residential treatment, which is sometimes required as a condition of release and is often paid for with welfare benefits. A majority of states have either opted out of the bans or softened them in some way. But about a dozen states have adopted the welfare ban without modification, while others have preserved obstacles to cash assistance and food stamps, with unfortunate consequences. A new study involving researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine suggests that, by forcing former offenders and their families to go hungry, the ban on food stamps could well be pushing desperate young mothers to prostitution. This, in turn, increases the risk of exposure to H.I.V. The study, to be published in the March-April issue of the journal AIDS Education and Prevention, reinforces earlier research establishing a link between hunger, risky sexual behavior and exposure to the virus. The study was carried out in a collaboration between the Yale researchers and All of Us or None, a California advocacy group for the rights of inmates and former prisoners. It covered 110 newly released inmates, 37 percent of whom were living on the streets and 30 percent of whom had minor children at home. The subjects came from three states: Texas, which completely bans food stamps for drug felons; California, which has a partial ban; and Connecticut, where people remain eligible for food stamps as long as they comply with the terms of their sentences. Alarmingly, more than 90 percent of those studied had experienced varying degrees of uncertainty about how they were going to feed themselves and their families. People who lived in Texas, which has a full ban, or in California, which has a partial ban, were more likely to go hungry. And hungry people in general were more prone to risky behaviors like exchanging sex for money. But even in Connecticut, which has no ban, far too many former offenders and their families were getting too little help. The researchers call for further study. But it is already clear that the bans are counterproductive and that it is time for states that have not completely lifted them to do so. People who have served their time face the hard task of establishing new lives in the world beyond prison. They need all the help they can get feeding and clothing their families and themselves. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom