Pubdate: Sat, 25 May 2013
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2013 The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Elizabeth Church


Mayor Rob Ford has broken a week-long silence to deny allegations he 
uses crack cocaine - a move greeted as a "first step" by some 
councillors and dismissed as untruthful by another.

Facing calls to step forward by even his closest allies, Toronto's 
mayor finally said his piece Friday afternoon, reading a short 
statement in a small reception area of his office that was bursting 
at the seams with reporters. Mr. Ford's effort to respond to critics 
left many questions unanswered and failed to address damning reports 
published Friday that he fired his top aide, Mark Towhey, because Mr. 
Towhey told the mayor he needed help with his addiction.

Instead, Mr. Ford directed his comments at reports that he was caught 
on video smoking crack cocaine. "I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I 
an addict of crack cocaine," said the mayor, with his brother, 
Councillor Doug Ford, on one side and Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday on 
the other. "I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or 
does not exist," he said.

Sources close to the Ford administration told The Globe and Mail that 
Mr. Towhey was dismissed after he told the mayor the only solution to 
the growing controversy was to "go away and get help." Pressed for 
details of the mayor's addictions, one source said "he drinks too 
much," but did not have knowledge of any other substance use. Mr. 
Ford thanked Mr. Towhey for his service, but was silent on the 
details of his departure.

Councillors predicted that Mr. Ford's remarks would not put an end to 
his troubles.

Councillor Jaye Robinson, who helped craft a letter released Friday 
from six members of Mr. Ford's executive urging him to address 
allegations "openly and transparently," was frank in her assessment. 
"We waited eight days to hear not a lot of detail," she said. More 
detail, she said, "would have been preferable - more of a 
comprehensive response and more detail."

Mr. Holyday, who said earlier in the day he planned to meet with Mr. 
Ford and "talk sternly," reported that the mayor's staff was already 
working on a statement when he met Mr. Ford after lunch - before the 
mayor spoke. "I'm not going to take credit for this," he said.

Asked what his advice was, Mr. Holyday said he told the mayor, 
"You've got to make a firm denial. You have to tell the truth. Tell 
your side of it."

Mr. Ford worked on the wording of the statement with staff, Mr. 
Holyday said. "There were a lot of revisions and adjustments that had 
to be made so he was comfortable in what he said," Mr. Holyday recalled.

Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker, a frequent opponent of the mayor, 
wasn't buying any of it and called for the mayor to resign.

"I don't like to call people liars, but, yes, I think he didn't tell 
the truth," the councillor said. "I don't believe what the mayor said 
today, and I think that's unfortunate."

Others, including Councillor Peter Milczyn, an executive committee 
member, said Mr. Ford's decision to address the people of Toronto was 
significant, but not enough. "Obviously this is not done. It is not 
going to go away," he said. "Some people will believe him, some will 
not. Right now there is no hard evidence of anything."

Councillor Josh Colle predicted Friday's statement will release some 
of the pressure that has been building for the past eight days, but 
will not make it go away. "He has at least surfaced," Mr. Colle said, 
"but I think Toronto residents are going to want more of an answer."

Long-time Tory strategist John Capobianco, who worked on Mr. Ford's 
2010 campaign after Rocco Rossi dropped out of the mayoral race, 
welcomed the mayor's statement and said he still supports him. But 
Mr. Capobianco acknowledged that the mayor's brief remarks have not 
resolved the issue completely, and said Mr. Ford may have to say more 
about the allegations before some fundraisers and campaigners sign on 
to any 2014 re-election effort.

"He does have a lot of support of people who are on the ground and 
who are just voters, and he's got a big base of those," Mr. 
Capobianco said. "Whether or not strategists and fundraisers and 
others continue to help him out or not, I think that's still to be determined."
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