Pubdate: Sat, 01 Jun 2013
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2013 The Denver Post Corp
Author: John Ingold


Revenue Offcials Say That Emergency Protocols Due July 1 Don't Allow Time.

The Colorado Department of Revenue will issue emergency rules for 
forthcoming recreational marijuana stores by July 1 without taking 
public comment, the department announced Friday.

In a document posted on its website, the department said there has 
already been substantial public involvement in writing new laws for 
pot shops - both through a special task force created to suggest laws 
and at the state legislature, which passed several bills related to 
recreational marijuana this year.

"Given the breadth and depth of the public participation in 
connection with the Task Force and the implementing legislation and 
the short time within which the State Licensing Authority is required 
to adopt emergency rules, there will not be opportunity for 
additional input from the public prior to July 1," the department 
wrote in its announcement.

Amendment 64 - the measure Colorado voters approved inNovember that 
legalizes limited possession of marijuana and allows for its sale in 
specially regulated stores - gives the Department of Revenue only 
until July 1 to issue statewide rules for pot shops. The rules are a 
step below the laws the legislature passed and will deal with 
specifics on running marijuana stores, such as security requirements 
and licensure procedures.

If the state misses the July 1 deadline, local governments could give 
the go-ahead for stores to open without state approval. Because Gov. 
John Hickenlooper only this week signed into law several bills 
governing recreational pot shops, the Revenue Department had barely a 
month to meet the deadline.

The emergency rules will be in place, at most, until Oct. 29. The 
department will start working on permanent rules in July to replace 
the emergency rules. It will take public input on the permanent rules 
at a hearing scheduled for theweek of Aug. 19.

Issues related to marijuana taxes-which voters are set to decide this 
November - will be handled in a separate rule making process, the 
department announced.

The first recreational marijuana shops still appear on track to open 
Jan. 1, 2014.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom