Pubdate: Fri, 31 May 2013
Source: Daily Courier (Prescott, AZ)
Copyright: 2013 Prescott Newspapers, Inc.
Author: Dr. Larry Wonderling
Column: Talk of the Town


Having carefully read the "Marijuana is Not Harmless" Talk of the Town
by Sheila Polk and Carolyn Short, I'm prompted to offer an additional
analysis of this controversial issue.

In general I certainly agree that the use of mind-altering drugs is a
serious problem that recorded history has clearly shown may be reduced
but never eliminated. In fact, our multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical
cartels are unapologetic co-conspirators in perpetuating the use and
abuse of drugs. Infinitely more harmful than marijuana are an enormous
variety of psychotropic legal drugs openly and seductively advertised
on TV as solutions to anxiety, low moods, pain, etc. These relentless
messages to virtually all ages that drugs solve psychological
discomfort are a dangerous fallacy.

The medicinal use of marijuana is to me of minimal concern compared to
those more prevalent addictive legal drugs in medicine cabinets
throughout the U.S. Reputable research clearly indicates that more
people are dying of these legally prescribed painkillers than illegal
street drugs such as heroin and cocaine, and that many illegal drug
dealers are shifting to cheaper, more readily available legal drugs.
Moreover, I'm not particularly troubled by marijuana for medicinal
purposes. But the pharmaceutical industry, with its overpowering
lobbyists, will never permit such competition.

The Polk and Short column omitted even a mention of any teenager's
most dangerous and too easily available mind-altering substance,
alcohol, which is unarguably the most deadly, excessively used
recreational drug in our society. Booze insidiously damages virtually
all aspects of one's physical and mental health, including its role in
domestic violence and auto collision deaths. Worse yet, since
Prohibition was a monumental flop, we seem to have simply succumbed to
its devastating effects, while the alcohol industry is immune to any
effective restrictions.

At this juncture in my rebuttal, you may have noticed an absence of
any specific comments concerning the dangers of marijuana. That's
because I was saving a critical assessment of marijuana for last. I
also needed to dilute some of my opponents' exaggerations relative to
the harmful effects of marijuana's THC compared to those other legal
drugs we so eagerly use.

In 1995 I carefully researched marijuana for my first book, "Seductive
Illusions," and concluded that that THC and its hemp plant was clearly
assassinated in the 1930s by the powerful newspaper mogul Randolph
Hearst and his equally rich and influential buddies for purely
economic reasons related to hemp in the paper manufacturing business,
as well as the pharmaceutical companies' concern, even then, about
marijuana's medicinal value.

The relentless negative propaganda against marijuana was so successful
- - including its "Reefer Madness" popular fiction - it effectively
blocked out its worthwhile qualities and created a totally false
reputation that resulted in a government "schedule one" dangerous drug
status without substantial research evidence.

It's equally noteworthy that their remains no evidence that
21st-century marijuana has caused the death of any users. There's also
considerable experiential evidence of marijuana's medical value that
may now invite objective medical studies.

As for the title of the original article, "Marijuana Is Not Harmless,"
I'm beginning to doubt if anything we ingest is harmless. It seems to
depend on one's personal usage. Sugar, salt, fat, red meat, bath
salts, glue, even over-the-counter aspirin are just a few of the
endless dangerously unhealthy items - if abused.

The brilliant philosopher Aristotle was well aware of humans'
dangerous overindulgences when he wrote that moderation is the key to
extended life.

As a few personal footnotes, during my youth, at least 50 years ago, I
tried booze and pot, and neither hooked me, probably because both made
me feel stupidly vulnerable. Despite pharma's endless hustle, I still
view meds as a last resort to life's discomforts and only when
physically ill. I believe in working through problems, not masking
them. Finally, I'm against the use of any mood-altering drugs. I still
believe using rational thinking, perceptual clarity and a huge dose of
common sense remain the most effective approaches to coping with
life's problems.

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Dr. Wonderling is a retired clinical and forensic psychologist, and a
writer who has authored numerous books and other publications.
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