Pubdate: Mon, 10 Jun 2013
Source: Northern River Echo, The (Australia)
Copyright: 2013 APN News & Media Ltd


THE Nimbin HEMP Embassy this week applauded the release of Tony 
Bower, managing director of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd, the 
maker of the popular medicinal tincture.

On Tuesday, the Kempsey medicine man, on appeal, had his 12-month 
sentence commuted to a suspended sentence to be of good behaviour. 
However both the Embassy and Mr Bower were quick to point out their 
fight was not over.

Mr Bower said, "I would like to thank all those who have given or 
shown support for my release".

"The clinical trials in Victoria will need to be worked through and 
applications made to NSW Ministry of Health to acquire a licence to 
cultivate, possess and supply cannabis plants for the purposes of 
scientific research, analysis and study. This will allow Mullaways 
Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd to legally grow a certain number of cannabis 
plants to be made into Mullaways natural, low-dose, non-psychotropic 
Cannabinoid Tincture to be used in the clinical trials, so definitive 
research on cannabis and cannabinoids and their medical benefits may 
finally be done in Australia.

"The NSW Upper House inquiry recently found it's not acceptable to 
criminalise people for simply trying to achieve pain relief and 
quality of life, through the legal conventional ways or otherwise.

"The recognition of cannabis as a medical right has now raised the 
need for trials and research so cannabis-based medications can be 
developed and produced safely, cheaply and legally to be made readily 
available from licensed pharmacists and hospitals.

"I am looking forward to my meeting with Andrew Stoner in July so 
that we can move all of this along."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom