Pubdate: Sun, 09 Jun 2013
Source: Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO)
Copyright: 2013 The Gazette


Colorado Springs is at another crossroads. The city has transitioned
to a strong mayor form of government. The local housing market is
beginning to recover from the recession. So far we appear to be
surviving sequestration. But in the coming weeks the city must decide
whether to allow retail marijuana sales.

Amendment 64, approved by Colorado voters in 2012, has moved into the
implementation phase. Regulation of the many details concerning
legalized marijuana is a daunting task. One of those details is an
enormous one - legal retail sale of pot within the city limits. The
amendment permits "the licensing of cultivation facilities, product
manufacturing facilities, testing facilities, and retail stores;" It
also allows each locality to determine whether it will allow retail
stores and then create regulations to govern those stores. Or, they
can simply opt out or establish a moratorium, as Pueblo and many other
municipalities have done. El Paso County has already banned retail
sales and so has Woodland Park, a mountain community known for its
scenic beauty. Colorado Springs should do the same.

Proponents of retail stores that sell marijuana have two main selling
points: the tax revenue to be gained and the idea that the stores will
allow legal sales, theoretically diminishing illegal and underground

City council seems to be leaning toward allowing retail sales of
marijuana. But business, military and community leaders are sounding
alarms about the domino effect those sales could have.

There are many unknowns. We don't know how many retail stores will pop
up. When medical marijuana was first legalized, those stores
proliferated like rabbits. Platte Avenue was lined with storefronts
featuring the trademark green cross. Yes, now that the dust has
settled, many of those stores are out of business, with less than half
still in operation. Expenses, security and inventory issues have
challenged the businesses some once labeled "the green rush."
Recreational marijuana stores will face the same challenges and more.

City council should remember that despite Amendment 64, the possession
of marijuana is still against federal law. Colorado officials hope the
feds will not clamp down on the state, but that remains a big unknown
in this equation. What is clear however, is that Colorado Springs is a
home rule city. We are not just allowed to make decisions in the best
interest of Colorado Springs, we have a responsibility to do so.
Pointing to state-wide voter results, and a thin margin majority in El
Paso County, as a factor in making this decision is simply avoiding a
critical decision making process, right and responsibility of the city.

Before going down the path to retail sales for recreational purposes,
the city must consider the ramifications. Whatever net tax revenue the
city might garner, after paying all costs of enforcement and any other
negative economic effects, the negative aspects of allowing retail pot
stores could overshadow. We don't know what the effect will be on the
military installations that call Colorado Springs home. As was
reported in The Gazette, some military sources think retail pot sales
will hurt Colorado Springs' image and threaten our choice as a
military destination for future bases or additional troops. About 40
percent of the local economy is based on the military and defense
contractors. With economic recovery just beginning in our region, it
would be foolish to endanger that base.

Many cities in the U.S. have become hotbeds for innovation and have
successfully attracted young professionals, entrepreneurs, new
companies and investment without selling pot in retail stores.
Colorado Springs is not Denver, or Boulder. We have our own unique
image. We are home to the Olympic Training Center, The United States
Air Force Academy, Focus on the Family, innovators in aerospace and
other technologies and of course many world-famous natural
attractions. People come to the Springs from all over the world, for
many reasons.

The question is, would legalization of retail marijuana help enhance
the attractiveness of our city and the quality of life for our citizens?

We urge Springs City Council to evaluate this decision based on clear
benefits and risks as well as the effect this decision will have on
building an even better Colorado Springs for the future. We encourage
them to use sound judgment as to what the best decision is, just for
the future of our city. The possible upside from sale tax collections
and "pot tourism" could easily be offset by long-term negative effects
in our image, family-related tourism and importantly, loss of business
from current and prospective employers.
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MAP posted-by: Matt