Pubdate: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 Source: Times Argus (Barre, VT) Copyright: 2013 Times Argus Contact: Website: Details: FORMER POLICE CAPTAIN SPEAKS OUT AGAINST WAR ON DRUGS BARRE - As the ink dries on Vermont's newly signed marijuana decriminalization law, a retired police captain has been traveling around the state talking to rotary clubs and media outlets about his groups opposition to the country's drug policy. - -- Peter Christ worked for the Tonawanda, N.Y., police department for 20 years. After he retired he co-founded a group called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). The organization is composed of those who previously worked in the criminal justice field and now are speaking out against the so called "drug war." Christ said his organization offers something that other organizations can't in terms of who is presenting the message. When there is a drug debate and those in law enforcement present a police chief or state trooper to argue for maintaining current drug policy, LEAP can send its own former police chief or former state trooper to argue for change. - - -- Christ said going after drug users and dealers was the only aspect of his job that, no matter how vigorously he did it, it didn't make any difference. By comparison, he said, if there was a string of burglaries in a neighborhood, they caught the burglar and the burglaries stopped. With drugs, they could arrest all the people they wanted, and it didn't stop anything, according to the former policeman. - -- "All there was was new faces to arrest," he said. ---- Christ admits drugs like marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine are bad and no one should use them, but the policy the country uses to combat the abuse of these drugs does more harm than good. ---- "I don't want to legalize them because I don't think the drugs are bad, I want to legalize it because the prohibition creates more problems than the drugs do. ... We at LEAP support a policy of regulation and control so we have control over the marketplace. We can set age limits, purity standards and distribution points," he said, as opposed to a system where gangsters, thugs and terrorists profit off the drug market and use 14-year-olds to sell their products on street corners. - -- Christ compared current drug policy to alcohol prohibition enacted in 1920, and later repealed in 1933. He said the two are basically the same with the only difference being the drug. - -- "If that was a stupid idea, why is this a good idea?" Christ said. - ---- Christ said during the Prohibition era, bootleggers and those dealing in illegal alcohol would use children to sell their product and there would also be violence and killings just as there is today with drugs. After Prohibition was repealed, that deadly market dried up. ---- "We don't have kids running booze for Budweiser do we? We don't have Budweiser and Miller fighting it out. That isn't caused by alcohol, that's caused by the policy choice," he said. - -- Christ talked about alcoholics compared to other drug addicts, saying even though they are both addicted to a substance, they are treated very differently. - -- "If you are an alcoholic and you don't drink and drive, what do we do to you? Nothing. When you buy a bottle of booze, do you wonder if there's rat poison in it? No. Why? Because we regulate and control the marketplace," Christ said. - -- But for heroin or cocaine addicts, Christ said, "What do we do to you? If we catch you, we hang a felony on you. Purity of product? You have no idea what you are buying. Safe place to purchase or use in? A crack house is not a good place to take the family out on a Friday night, but a tavern may be OK." - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom