Pubdate: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 Source: Sun Chronicle (Attleboro, MA) Copyright: 2013 Sun Chronicle Contact: Details: Author: Stephen Peterson WRENTHAM TOWN MEETING APPROVES MEDICAL MARIJUANA MORATORIUM WRENTHAM - A request to adopt a temporary moratorium on medical marijuana treatment centers in town sparked a lot of the debate at the second night of the annual town meeting Tuesday, but was supported. Just 48 residents turned out to King Philip Regional High School - a far cry from the 499 who came through the doors for Monday night's first session. And instead of lasting to almost midnight, the second session wrapped up business about 9 p.m. Voters passed a statewide ballot question in November allowing for the marijuana dispensaries for medical purposes, and since then, the town has received several inquiries about the subject, town officials said. Following in the footsteps of other communities, planning board members and local officials decided a one-year moratorium is needed to allow the town enough time to plan for the impact and operation of such businesses since zoning doesn't allow them. "This isn't some small operation," Selectman Charles Kennedy said. "We need to find out how zoning fits into this. Giving it extra time I think is a wise move." Everett Skinner, a planning board member, opposed the moratorium. "People spoke and voted," Skinner said. "I don't think the town should further regulate it to the point of excluding them. They should be able to start." The moratorium was approved 29-9. Several other zoning proposals passed with little discussion. One increases the size of buildings in the center of town from 10,000 to 15,000 square feet. Local officials hope to see the former Crosby Valve site redeveloped into commercial use. Voters revised the adult entertainment district bylaw that was approved at the November town meeting that focuses sex-oriented businesses such as X-rated video stores and strip clubs to about 20 acres in a commercial zone off Route 1A and near the Norfolk line and that town's industrial park. The state Attorney General's office had disapproved certain sections of the bylaw. Another zoning bylaw regulates solar farms that are becoming more popular and growing in size. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt