Pubdate: Mon, 17 Jun 2013
Source: Daily Express (UK)
Copyright: 2013 Northern and Shell Media Publications
Author: Rick Senley


SIR Paul McCartney's son has opened his heart about the death of his 
mother Linda and how his subsequent descent into drink and drugs 
caused a massive rift with his father.

James McCartney, 35, says he still idolises Kurt Cobain, the rock 
star who shot himself

James McCartney, 35, turned to drugs to help with the grief of losing 
his mother from cancer when he was 20.

Modelling himself on Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain - a heroin addict who 
killed himself with a shotgun - James went off the rails for years.

But despite Sir Paul's candidness about his own drug use, the father 
and son relationship nearly reached breaking point.

James, sober for several months, said: "I went a long time without seeing Dad.

"We drifted apart. We would talk on the phone every few months but we 
went a long time without seeing each other. It was sad for both of us."

Although materialistically privileged, his world began to fall apart 
at 17 when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

He said: "She died when I was 20 and that's when I went into a very 
dark period."

He had first smoked marijuana at 16 but Linda's death led him to 
delve further. He said: "The time after her death was not the 
healthiest for me.

"If Mum was gone, then I was going to rock out. It was very 
detrimental to my relationship with my family. I idolised Kurt Cobain 
and still do. He was my role model. I could relate to him.

I got more into drugs and I ended up going to rehab in Arizona after 
I had a bit of an episode."

It was his father's heart surgery in 2007 that led to a 
rapprochement. He said: "That episode made me realise how important 
he is to me."

James moved back to the family farm in East Sussex and he played on 
Sir Paul's solo albums, having learnt guitar as a boy.

Of his solo work he says: "I had to serve my time as a musician and 
wait until I had a good body of songs."

Now James meditates twice a day and like the rest of his family is a 

He says: "I removed myself from my family for a while. Now I want to 
immerse myself in them. I love Dad so much. I'm in a happy place."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom