Pubdate: Sat, 06 Jul 2013
Source: Freeman, The (Philippines)
Copyright: 2013 The Freeman


In a step towards cleansing the Philippine National Police of drug
addicts, at least seven members of the Cebu City Police Office were
dismissed from service for taking illegal drugs.

The seven policemen were found positive for shabu in a random drug
test conducted last year. And during a confirmatory test, it was found
out that they were indeed using illegal drugs. This prompted the
filing of a grave misconduct case against them.

In its decision, the Regional Appellate Board of the National Police
Commission found the seven policemen guilty and dismissed them from
service. Four of them were ordered out from the police force effective
April 12 this year.

We hope that this development would serve as a strong warning to other
policemen who are still using the prohibited drugs. Sr. Supt. Audie
Villacin, chief of the Regional Police Community Relations
Directorate, said those who engage in drugs have no place in the
police organization.

The problem on illegal drug has already been penetrating the police
force for decades. Many policemen taking shabu or other kinds of
prohibited drugs remain hooked on their vice because there has been no
serious campaign to clean up the ranks of drug addicts.

It's undeniable that drugs can affect the performance of a policeman,
who should be in his right mental and physical conditions to be able
to do his task well.

Good thing the Regional Police Office-7 has started to take some
effort against such menace. We hope that it is serious in this
campaign in order for the police to serve the public better.
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MAP posted-by: Matt