Pubdate: Sat, 13 Jul 2013
Source: Nisqually Valley News (WA)
Copyright: 2013 Yelm Online


The city of Rainier is weighing its options on preparing for 
Initiative 502, which allows regulated marijuana use in the state of 

Medical marijuana dispensaries, collective gardens, recreational 
marijuana producers, recreational marijuana processors and 
recreational marijuana retailers must not be in 1,000 feet of any 
schools, parks, libraries or child care facilities, which may pose a 
problem in Rainier.

"We are limited to only so many places because the town is so small," 
said Charmayne Garrison, city administrator.

Garrison said she is concerned issues may arise since it is now a 
state law the voters of Washington passed, making the cooperation 
from the city of Rainier inevitable.

"There's some lawsuits coming up because of towns that try to say, 
'nope not in my town,'" she said. "I'd rather get ahead of it than behind it."

Rainier City Planner Fred Evander marked up a map of Rainier, showing 
where marijuana sales can be allowed, leaving only the outskirts of 
town that aren't within the designated 1,000 feet.

The law states that cities and towns may adopt and enforce 
production, processing, or dispensing of cannabis or cannabis 
products within their jurisdiction, including zoning requirements, 
business licensing requirements, health and safety requirements and 
business taxes.

The Rainier City Council will be looking to make an ordinance with 
distinctions in the near future.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom