Pubdate: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 Source: Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ) Copyright: 2013 Newark Morning Ledger Co Contact: Details: STATE COMMISSION MISSES THE POINT ON HEROIN After two years of work, the State Commission of Investigation last week published an exhaustive study on the frightening spread of heroin and painkiller addiction in New Jersey -- and somehow managed to miss the central point. The acute shortage of treatment is the heart of this problem, and the report fails to even acknowledge it. Its action plan includes nothing to address that problem. To call this a disappointment doesn't quite capture it. This report could actually do damage. Because it urges tougher penalties on street-level dealers, a doubling down on the hard-nosed drug war strategies that have monstrously failed by any objective measure. After a generation of this, police say that heroin is cheaper and more plentiful than ever on New Jersey streets. Deaths from overdoses of heroin and painkillers are growing statewide by about 20 percent a year, according to the latest data from the state Medical Examiner. We have thrown thousands of non-violent dealers in prison, and they have been replaced by thousands more. Most of them were addicts from the start, according to prison surveys. And few received treatment. And yet, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence estimates that 1 in 2 adults seeking treatment in New Jersey cannot get it, and 2 in 3 teens. In Newark, addicts who want to go straight are often placed on waiting lists. In rural parts of the state, the shortage can be even worse. The SCI report offers some useful dissection of the mechanics of the drug trade. It shows how organized crime recruits shady doctors to issue bogus painkiller prescriptions, and how painkillers can lead to heroin, which is often cheaper. It urges some reasonable steps to improve monitoring of prescription drugs. But it is beyond belief that the SCI could miss the mark so widely on the need for treatment. Its roots are in law enforcement, yes, but even police and prosecutors have been pressing the case for more treatment slots. Gov. Chris Christie, who served on the board of a drug treatment center before becoming governor, has called for an end to incarceration of non-violent drug addicts, and a shift to treatment instead. The SCI, somehow, missed all that. * * * The real challenge is finding the money to expand treatment slots during a time of fiscal stress. In the long run it makes sense even for the most hard-hearted. New Jersey spends roughly $50,000 a year to hold an inmate in prison, and two-thirds of those released land back behind bars within a few years. It is an expensive revolving door, and it leaves tremendous human wreckage behind. Convicts are often economically crippled for life, leaving them unable to support families. Diverting non-violent addicts to treatment through drug courts is cheaper and more effective. The governor's budget this year increases spending on treatment by $4.5 million to create 250 new slots for drug court offenders. That's a step in the right direction, but a tiny one. Sen. Joseph Vitale (D-Middlesex), chairman of the health committee, is planning hearings on a more ambitious down-payment. He proposes to spend $50 million to expand the number of treatment slots, and to beef up Medicaid reimbursements to providers. A reasonable reimbursement, he hopes, would induce them to create more slots while allowing the state to capture a 50 percent federal match. The small surplus in this year's budget makes supplemental spending risky. But if the governor shows interest, Vitale could build bipartisan support around a long-term plan to turn this around. The governor speaks with eloquence on this issue. He gets it. Soon we'll see if he's willing to put his muscle behind it. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt