Pubdate: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 Source: National Post (Canada) Copyright: 2013 Canwest Publishing Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Tom Blackwel SKEPTICS SNUB STUDY LINKING POT, LUNG CANCER Canadian-Led Research Suggests Risk Doubles Relatively heavy smoking of marijuana may as much as double the risk of someone contracting lung cancer, suggests a new, Canadian-led study that adds nuance to the debates over medical marijuana and outright legalization. The study, which contradicts other recent research that concluded the connection was all but non-existent, looked at a large group of Swedish men who were surveyed about their lifestyles in 1969-70, then tracked over the subsequent 40 years. Those classified as "heavy" pot users when young were more than twice as likely to have lung cancer by 2009, the researchers - Russ Callaghan, a psychiatry professor at the University of Northern British Columbia, and colleagues in Russia and Sweden - found. Mr. Callaghan said he does not want to "demonize" marijuana, noting that two legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol, unquestionably cause "dramatically" more harm. But it is important to get to the bottom of its possible negative effects as well as potential benefits, he said. "It is seen as organic and natural," he said. "[The study] does add one piece of evidence to suggest a caution around that." Other leading scientists in the field, however, say the nature of the data used in the new research, published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control, makes its findings suspect. Much more convincing evidence was analyzed recently by the International Lung Cancer Consortium, asserted Hal Morgenstern, a University of Michigan epidemiologist and part of that group. The consortium scrutinized results from six "case control" studies that compared 2,100 cancer patients and 3,000 healthy controls, finding no significant link between marijuana and malignancy, the scientists told a conference in April. Though marijuana smoke does contain cancer-causing chemicals, the majority of people simply don't consume enough of it to get ill, said Mr. Morgenstern. "When you think about people smoking 20-40 cigarettes a day for 40 years, they're smoking hundreds of thousands of cigarettes," he said. "The exposure [to harmful smoke] that marijuana users get ... is more than a magnitude of difference less." There are reasons to fear that smoking pot might lead to cancer, including the fact it contains some of the same carcinogens as tobacco, tends to be inhaled more deeply and generally is smoked without a filter. Meanwhile, use of medical marijuana is increasingly popular, with varying amounts of evidence suggesting it can help alleviate chemotherapy-related nausea, some forms of pain and loss of appetite in cancer patients. The international lung cancer consortium is not alone in dismissing the danger of a cancer connection. A similar review published in February by Donald Tashkin, a medical professor at the university of California at Los Angeles, found no association between cancer and low-to-moderate marijuana smoking, and mixed evidence on heavy, long-term use. Dr. Callaghan said he and colleagues used the Swedish data because it provides a particularly comprehensive picture of the health of its subjects. They looked at 49,000 men conscripted into the army in 1969-70 and subjected to extensive testing and surveys at the time - including questions about cannabis use - and tracked them through various health registries as they aged. After filtering out the effects of smoking, alcohol consumption, respiratory disease and socio-economic status, the researchers found that those who had reported using pot at least 50 times by 1970 were more than twice as likely to have contracted lung cancer by 2009. The researchers admit the study could not trace how much the men used marijuana or tobacco after the initial interviews. They speculate that similar patterns would have continued through their 20s and 30s. Mr. Morgenstern said it is also possible, though, those individuals who contracted cancer and who had been heavy pot smokers when young switched to cigarettes later, meaning the tobacco, not marijuana, made them sick. In fact, pot leads to "far less" dependency than does tobacco, noted Dr. Tashkin in an email interview. The Canadian-Swedish study, with 49,000 participants, sounds large, but the sample included only 189 lung cancer patients, he added. The "case-control" studies the consortium analyzed involved interviewing thousands of cancer patients and healthy people about their marijuana use, making the findings more statistically powerful, he argued. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom