Pubdate: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 Source: Toronto Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2013 The Toronto Star Contact: Details: Author: Von Jeppesen Referenced: POT: TO LEGALIZE OR NOT Re: Legalizing pot, endorsing stupidity, Aug. 7 Rosie DiManno's column reads like one long diatribe against cannabis and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau. She fails to concede that historically anyone who even suggests fact-based alternatives opposed to conservative rhetoric is tarred and feathered as "soft on crime." Despite the overwhelming evidence that the global War on Drugs has been a complete and utter failure since its declaration 50 years ago, it is shocking to read such a lazy and irresponsible approach to drug policy in this country. The road is broken beyond repair yet we should continue to drive on this roundabout because we don't have all the solutions? DiManno is perplexed about how the government could "crusade against smoking" while "simultaneously promoting easier access to cannabis." Federal and provincial governments receive plenty of tax revenue from alcohol (remember that prohibition?), which is arguably more harmful to society in terms of the health and social consequences than cannabis. My definition of a "ruthless black market" is vastly different from DiManno's coincidental Bernardo reference to Mexico's all-out war with the drug cartels. You know that place where they find a dozen decapitated bodies in a ditch and you're just as dead if you're a police constable or the chief. Instead of congratulating Trudeau for breaking this political taboo and rhetoric regarding drug policy in this country, he is slammed for completing a "flip-flop" - because you know, politicians never get it wrong the first time. If going against the status-quo of incarcerating non-violent offenders, the unnecessary overcrowding of our courts and correctional facilities, makes Trudeau stupid, I'm with him. Von Jeppesen, Burlington - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom