Pubdate: Thu, 15 Aug 2013
Source: Sacramento Bee (CA)
Copyright: 2013 The Sacramento Bee


It's taken too many years. Nonetheless, U.S. Attorney General Eric 
Holder's announcement that he has instructed federal prosecutors to 
stop pursuing long prison sentences for minor drug offenders is 
welcome. In his speech to the American Bar Association in San 
Francisco on Monday, Holder made public the Justice Department's new, 
more lenient and sensible charging policies.

"Low-level nonviolent drug offenders who have no ties to large-scale 
organizations, gangs or cartels," Holder said, "will no longer be 
charged with offenses that impose draconian mandatory minimum sentences."

It is a long-overdue change that will improve fairness in the justice 
system, save money and make communities safer.

While some Republicans in Congress chided Holder and the 
administration for acting without legislative approval, the new 
policy attracted a fair amount of bipartisan support. Both 
conservatives and liberals have recognized that over-reliance on 
incarceration in the nation's five-decade-old "war on drugs" has been 
a costly failure. Three years ago, Congress passed and President 
Barack Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act, aimed at reducing the 
disparity in sentencing between crimes involving crack cocaine and 
powder cocaine.

More recently, bills have been introduced in Congress by both 
Democrats and Republicans to give judges more discretion to ignore 
mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and to impose punishments 
that more appropriately fit the crimes and the criminals charged.

As Holder noted, the United States, which accounts for 4.5 percent of 
the world's population, locks up almost a quarter of the world's 
prisoners. The federal prison population has increased an astonishing 
800 percent since 1980 and U.S. prisons are bulging at 40 percent 
beyond their capacity. These levels of incarceration are 
unsustainable and make us unsafe. Inmates emerge from prison more 
dangerous than when they arrived.

Even before Holder's address, states across the nation had begun 
scaling back long prison sentences, California among them. In part 
the result of lawsuits but also because of sentencing reforms 
approved by both the Legislature and the public, California's prison 
population has dropped from a high of 162,000 in 2002 to 117,000 today.

While the governor is resisting court orders to cut the prison 
population even further, to around 110,000 by year's end, the state 
would be wise to invest in more cost-effective alternatives, 
including proven drug treatment programs, education, job training and 
community service, and not invest in more prisons or jail beds.

And as Holder also stated in his speech, the documented 
discrimination in the sentencing of African American men  who, on 
average, receive sentences 20 percent longer than sentences imposed 
on white males convicted of similar crimes  is "shameful." It leads 
to disrespect for the law and turmoil in too many poor communities of color.

The ultimate goal of the sentencing reform Holder rightly advocates 
is not only a more just society, but a safer one.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom