Pubdate: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 Source: USA Today (US) Copyright: 2013 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc Contact: Website: Details: Author: William Choslovsky ON DRUG CRIME, IS HOLDER MAKING POSITIVE CHANGE OR TURNING BLIND EYE? Much like a rogue sheriff who turns a blind eye on criminals, Attorney General Eric Holder - the highest law enforcement officer in the country - is violating his oath. He has become so lax on the enforcement of drug laws - first with the national marijuana laws and now with mandatory minimum sentences - that he is essentially ignoring federal law. Before continuing, let me be clear. I am neither pro pot nor anti pot. I'm also not for or against mandatory minimum sentences. These policy matters are above my pay grade. And frankly they are, or should be, above Holder's as well. His job is to uphold the law, not to make the law. This is not a screed against Democrats. Our nation's drug laws may be terrible, but if they are, we have a simple fix: Amend the law. Or better yet, repeal the bad laws, which Congress has the power to do. Until then, Holder's job is to enforce existing laws, something our president, a constitutional scholar, knows better than anyone. William Choslovsky Chicago - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom