Pubdate: Fri, 23 Aug 2013
Source: New Haven Register (CT)
Copyright: 2013 New Haven Register
Author: Jean Falbo-Sosnovich


ANSONIA )) Before the state adopts guidelines for growing and selling 
medical marijuana, officials want to temporarily halt such businesses 
from opening in town while they create their own regulations.

The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on the 
concept at 7:15 p.m. Monday at City Hall.

Officials want to establish a one-year moratorium regarding "the 
production, distribution and/or dispensing of medical marijuana."

Commission Chairman Bart Flaherty said the moratorium will give the 
commission time to absorb what the state is planning in terms of 
regulations and parameters on an issue that can create some anxiety.

"This would give us some breathing space and time to look at the 
state regulations and what the parameters are going to be," Flaherty 
said Thursday.

Flaherty said the commission operates under state regulations, but 
municipalities are often able to "tailor" regulations to their own needs.

Flaherty did not say whether Ansonia is looking for an all-out ban on 
medical marijuana facilities, but he wants to be sure the commission 
gets complete clarification and a full understanding of what state 
regulations will entail. Several towns in Massachusetts, for example, 
have created regulations, banning pot dispensaries from opening up 
near their borders.

Last month, Alderwoman Joan Radin addressed her concerns with the 
commission about medical marijuana businesses possibly setting up 
shop in Ansonia. Radin said she was concerned the state hasn't 
finalized its regulations yet, and until they do, she pushed for the 
city to establish a moratorium.

Flaherty said nearby Shelton recently established a temporary 
moratorium. Zoning officials there have said they wanted time to 
understand what the state is proposing in term of regulations. Once 
the state regulations go into effect, Shelton's PZC would have a 
minimum of six months to study them.

Shelton zoning officials have said growers have contacted their 
office, inquiring about warehouse space in the city for potential 
medical marijuana production facilities. The moratorium will halt 
action on any applications coming Shelton's way regarding medical 
marijuana facilities until the state regulations are in place and the 
city has something to follow.

The state approved a law legalizing medical marijuana last year. The 
Department of Consumer Protection has since been working on 
regulations for marijuana dispensaries and production facilities, 
which could be acted on by the end of the month by the state 
legislature's regulation review committee.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom