Pubdate: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 Source: New York Daily News (NY) Copyright: 2013 Daily News, L.P. Contact: Details: Author: Gary Hurewitz PROS AND CONS OF LEGAL MARIJUANA Let's all give a puff, I mean a toast, to John Liu for taking a stand on legalizing marijuana. There is no logical reason for alcohol to be legal and not weed. Scientists have long abandoned the notion that marijuana causes users to try other drugs, and despite all the money, manpower and jail sentences, any high-school student can easily get weed. So let's stop the charade, stop filling prisons with users and put a stop to the criminal market that targets our kids. Legalize weed. It will employ a lot of people and bring in business profits and tax revenues. Gary Hurewitz Chappaqua, N.Y. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom