Pubdate: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 Source: Sault Star, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2013 The Sault Star Contact: Website: Details: Author: Tom Mills JUSTIN A 'POOR EXAMPLE,' BUT IF HE PASSED THAT JOINT, IT MIGHT MAKE MPS MORE MELLOW A pot in every parliament Maybe you can't remember the last time you smoked marijuana. That's quite possible. After all, short-term memory loss can be a consequence of pot use. Or maybe, like every single member of the Conservative Party caucus and a dime bag's worth of Opposition members, you've never, ever, ever tried it. Honest. MPs never lie. Or at least they never inhaled, something MPs find difficult to do when they're incessantly spouting their party's talking points, even during those hours they might otherwise devote to recreational drug use. But then there's that exception to the parliamentary rule, naughty Justin Trudeau, who admitted to the media last week he smoked pot five or six times in his life, even though "It has never really done anything for me." It seems Justin is not a first-trial learner, or wants to keep trying until marijuana finally does do something for him. But at least toking up explains his bizarre behaviour, such as taking off his clothes at a charity function. We can't help but worry Trudeau will graduate to harder drugs, as marijuana fiends inevitably do, which would make him a high pick in the electoral sweepstakes for Toronto mayor. Peter MacKay worries, too. The justice minister and moral exemplar ( apparently Tony Clement and Vic Toews weren't available, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper would only sniff narcishly and make a covert call to the RCMP) said Trudeau's credibility is now "up in smoke." MacKay lamented Justin's "profound lack of judgment" and expressed concern he was setting a "poor example" for impressionable young Canadians. He's right, because young Canadians now lead the western world in underage pot smoking, according to a UNICEF survey this spring. Apparently, those 15- and-unders intuited Trudeau was a toker and started madly passing joints. Young people are notorious for hanging on the every word of their idols and role models in the House of Commons, even those young people who think Parliament is a theatre of war in one of their violent video games. But let's give Justin the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps those kids were following the example of their parents. That's how most of my generation came to smoke pot, as I recall. Provided our parents were blues musicians from Memphis. These days, odds are greater parents have coughed up marijuana smoke at least once or twice. In 2011, 40% of Canadians over age 14 told Health Canada they had smoked pot in their lifetimes. Probably another 40% weren't dumb enough or stoned enough to admit to a government agency they committed an illegal act. And unless you're over 90, pot possession has been illegal all your life. Indeed, I understand this year, Canada will be celebrating its one- millionth pot arrest. Pot possession busts have jumped 41% since the Conservatives came to power in 2006. So, as pot activist Dana Larsen put it, in Canada, "you can throw a rock and find marijuana use." ( Rock. Stoned. Get it?) In British Columbia, you can hit a pot user even if you have a rotator cuff injury. But anyone wishing to throw a rock in the Commons, and who among us hasn't been tempted, is unlikely to hit a single MP who has bong blisters on his or her lips. At least, according to their sanctimonious responses to recent media inquiries. That's a shame, because Canada's parliament could sure use a lot of mellowing. Consider Question Period, notorious for devoting itself to vitriolic character assassination instead of answering questions. Would anything less be accomplished if our MPs, having passed a bong around the morning caucus table, exploded into giggles instead of insults, perhaps unable to contain their amusement at being referred to by the speaker as honourable members? The speaker might instantly hush any verbal outbreaks by drawing it to the members' attention their favourite Eagles song is playing on the House sound system. Stoned parliament could be a kinder, gentler place. As retired Seattle police chief Norm Stamper said while making a case for decriminalization, "marijuana is rarely, if ever, the cause of harmfully disruptive or violent behaviour." Conflict is so uncool, we might see members from all parties embrace each other on the floor of the house, vowing to move to the country and form a coalition government. Then, overcome with the munchies, they'd adjourn to the parliamentary cafeteria. Clouds of pot smoke inspire blue-sky thinking, so it might give birth to some creative and entertaining lawmaking from parliamentarians. If MacKay traded the beer bong he used in a widely circulated photo from his college days for a pot bong, we might see him introduce legislation giving every Canadian a free ride on one of the defence department's Cormorant SAR military helicopters. Justin himself might try to duplicate his famed father's diving-board antics, but bellyflop because his co-ordination was impaired. And if parliamentarians, inflicted with pot-smokers' notorious short attention spans, kept flitting from subject to subject, crisis to crisis, depending which way the political winds were blowing, would things be any different than what we have today? And would at least 40% of us notice? - --- MAP posted-by: Matt