Pubdate: Thu, 29 Aug 2013
Source: Sacramento News & Review (CA)
Column: The 420
Copyright: 2013 Chico Community Publishing, Inc.
Author: Ngaio Bealum


Can I ask you what you know about marijuana and bipolar disorder? The 
Internet and doctors say it doesn't help, but they also push that you 
take your prescription meds heavily. It seems like I would be trading 
one thing for another. I'm just curious, as my girlfriend is bipolar 
II and had a wonderful experience with smoking last week, and wants 
to smoke more.

- -Jay

Thank you for your question. The quick answer: Anecdotal evidence 
says weed may indeed help with bipolar disorder, but there are no 
studies to back up that claim.

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, associate professor emeritus of psychiatry at 
Harvard Medical School, published a study 
showing anecdotal benefits. But he also states that performing an 
actual scientific study is made virtually impossible because of 
government restrictions on marijuana. Don't get me started on the BS 
of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's stance on medical 
cannabis, although its stance may change soon, since Dr. Sanjay Gupta 
has come out in favor of medical marijuana.

When I worked at a cannabis dispensary, there were plenty of patients 
that used cannabis to help with their bipolar issues. I also asked my 
friends on Facebook what they knew, and here are a few responses:

"I am bipolar and smoke, as well as take medication. I do find 
marijuana beneficial and haven't had any of the negative reactions 
I've heard others have had. For me, green helps with my anxiety and 
insomnia, as well as the physical symptoms that can come from stress."

"As someone with firsthand experience, I can tell you that marijuana 
will provide mood stabilization for the short term, maybe three 
months after starting to use it, but in the long run, one will turn 
into an absolute train wreck."

"I am bipolar- 1- mixed; moderate with rapid cycling. I am on an SSRI 
and I also take an Anti-Seizure medication as a mood stabilizer, but 
I have been able to stay on low doses. When it comes to using 
marijuana, I find that a sativa makes it worse, but an indica or an 
indica dominant hybrid improves it. My psychiatrist doesn't have a 
problem with my use and my primary doctor is fine with it, and they 
are both aware of my prior cocaine addiction. It really works as a 
mood stabilizer; improving my mood during a depressive episode and 
the indica slows me down during manic episodes."

I would say to tread carefully. Avoid high THC strains, because THC 
is the psychoactive part of the weed plant, and too much THC can 
cause anxiety and paranoia. Look into strains high in cannabidiol, 
like Harlequin, Cannatonic or Sour Tsunami, as CBD has been shown to 
help with anxiety. Make sure your doctor knows what you are doing, 
and start with a small dose at first.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom