Pubdate: Tue, 03 Sep 2013
Source: Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC)
Copyright: 2013, BC Newspaper Group
Author: Ernie McClare


To the Editor,

Re: Pot activist signing up volunteers, Aug. 27.

Your article leads me to ask several questions.

First, with so many needs for funding for such services as medical
needs for seniors, keeping our schools open and the school meal
program, why would we spend millions of provincial tax dollars on this
cause? Is Dana Larsen footing the bill for the referendum?

Secondly, how will an increase in the availability of marijuana
benefit the youth of B.C.? There is a downside of marijuana use and
the developing brains of youth are particularly at risk for long term
problems. Our track record of keeping tobacco out of the hands of
children is not good and the same will happen with marijuana if it is
openly available in the home.

My third question is about money. There have been numbers published
about the $6-7 billion being spent on marijuana use in Canada each
year as well as numbers about regulating this substance and taxing it
at the point of sale. Will the tax money come directly out of the
household budgets of Canadians and increase poverty across our nation?
I assume the money will filter up the line to support supplier CEO pay
packages and politician expense accounts.

Ordinary Canadians pay again.

Ernie McClare Nanaimo
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