Pubdate: Wed, 04 Sep 2013
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2013 The Boston Herald, Inc
Note: Prints only very short LTEs.
Author: Peter Hayashi


I object to the characterization that the state has "bungled" the 
process of registering medical marijuana dispensaries ("State keeps 
pot plans on down low, Aug. 23). From January to May, the state 
Department of Public Health solicited input through a series of 
hearings around the state that gave stakeholders many opportunities 
to weigh in with any concerns.

I am a medical marijuana patient suffering from a type of severe 
chronic nerve pain that is resistant to treatment by standard 
medications, but responds to medical marijuana. I understand that 
some local officials have questions about their role in regulating 
the dispensaries, but that does not mean that the process is moving 
forward too quickly. In fact, for patients like me who are still 
suffering without safe access to our medicine, it cannot move forward 
quickly enough.

So far, the state has done a good job of balancing safety for 
communities with access for suffering patients. I hope that local 
officials will approach the issue in a similarly thoughtful manner.

- - Peter Hayashi, Newton The writer is a board member of the 
pro-medical marijuana Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom