Pubdate: Wed, 04 Sep 2013
Source: Seattle Weekly (WA)
Copyright: 2013 Village Voice Media
Author: Daniel Person


Since the passage of Washington's pot-legalizing I-502 last fall, the 
searing debate over how broad legalization and regulation would 
affect the state's medical cannabis users largely fell away as 
residents here grappled with the more immediate implications of the new law.

But no longer. With last week's announcement that the Department of 
Justice would not challenge I-502 as long as strict regulations were 
laid forth on the use and distribution of marijuana, officials 
foreshadowed what's sure to be a knock-out-drag-out fight over 
medical marijuana policy in the upcoming legislative session, if not sooner.

The question is this: Does the state want  and will the federal 
government allow  two separate avenues for legal marijuana to exist 
in Washington, each with its own set of rules, or was Thursday's 
announcement a signal that the Department of Justice wants I-502 to 
become the law of weed-land. It's a scenario that has been floated 
since I-502 first made it onto the ballot, but U.S. District Attorney 
Jenny Durkan seemed to feed into the paranoia Thursday with a brief 
statement on the Department of Justice statement: "The continued 
operation and proliferation of unregulated, for-profit entities 
outside of the state's regulatory and licensing scheme is not tenable 
and violates both state and federal law."

Nobody had to ask what "entities" she was talking about, nor which 
"regulatory and licensing scheme."

"She made it pretty clear that there's no protection for medical 
marijuana," said Keri Boiter, the head of a campaigned called Health 
Before Happy Hour that is lobbying the state to not impair medical 
cannabis while crafting regulations for recreational use. "I don't 
know if it's pressure for her superiors or if she said, look, it's 
easier to work with 502, but it's not a workable system for patients."

Most agree that Washington's medical marijuana industry is in need of 
tighter regulations, as Gov. Jay Inslee noted during a press 
conference following the Department of Justice announcement.

"Even independent of today's discussion, we believe there are serious 
changes that need to be brought to bear on medical marijuana for a 
variety of reasons," he said. "That probably even predated the voter 
initiative. There's some work to be done with medical marijuana."

But medical marijuana advocates contend that I-502 regulations 
are  to borrow a phrase from Durkan  "untenable" for medical cannabis 
users, including the ban on use for those under the age of 21 and 
concentrates like tinctures that help people consume higher doses of the drug.

"The reaction the governor and Jenny Durkan are having to this is 
saying we have to prop up" I-502, said Doug Hiatt, a local lawyer who 
opposed I-502 (as did Boiter).

The governor's office says it isn't even close to committing to a 
course of action.

As part of this year's state budget, the Liquor Control Board was 
directed to study how, or if, I-502 and Washington's medical 
marijuana law could co-exist; that study is just beginning, said John 
Lane, Inslee's senior policy adviser on public safety, and it's too 
soon to say what the administration would support.

"Yesterday's announcement was just a reminder there's a need to put 
regulations around the medical marijuana market," he said.

Still, uneasiness runs deep, as exhibited by a visit paid to a 
medical marijuana access point by a Liquor Control Board employee on 
Friday, who said she wanted to learn more about how the operations 
work. To the business-owners, it felt like intimidation, and they 
cried foul (the Stranger has the full report). Within a day, the 
control board had apologized.

"I'm a little embarrassed," Liquor Control Board Director Rick Garza 
told the Stranger. "It plays into the paranoia some people have."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom