Pubdate: Sun, 15 Sep 2013
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2013 The Boston Herald, Inc
Note: Prints only very short LTEs.
Author: Ariel Rodriguez


The 2013 Boston Rally for Freedom, more commonly known as "Hempfest," 
kicked off yesterday and will continue into this afternoon on Boston 
Common after city officials tried to deny a permit for the annual festival.

Boston officials refused to permit the event just eight days before 
it was scheduled to begin, according to organizers of the two-day 
festival. MassCann, the organization behind the event, sought an 
injunction in court and, after a hearing on Friday, was granted a 
permit with a shortened schedule, just a day before the event was to start.

MassCann did threaten to continue with the festival "permit or no 
permit," organizers said.

The rally boasts more than 60 speakers and bands, according to the 
schedule. Today the event runs from noon to 3 p.m.

MassCann leaders said the focus of this year's rally is "the planned 
legalization drive for 2016, when MassCann hopes to be a player in 
shaping a citizen initiative to legalize marijuana."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom