Pubdate: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2013 The Vancouver Sun Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Ernie Gorrie Cited: Sensible BC: PROSECUTION OF MARIJUANA USERS IS IMMORAL Re: Is prohibition of cannabis worth the cost?, Column, Oct. 8 Sensible B.C. is undertaking an Elections B.C. authorized initiative to effectively end the prosecution of adults for the simple possession of up to an ounce of marijuana. Recommending support for the petition and possible referendum, Barbara Yaffe found, "it's all about the money." I believe there are more compelling reasons to support Sensible B.C. Millions of dollars are spent investigating, arresting, prosecuting and punishing adults for simple possession of cannabis while murders remain unsolved and other serious threats to Canadians go uninvestigated due to lack of resources. The Sensible B.C. initiative could free up those resources, not for cost savings, but to improve public safety. More compelling however is the harm done to British Columbians by prosecution. Every year thousands of lives are irreparably damaged by criminal convictions for simple possession. These charges doubled between 2005 and 2010. Charges and convictions can result in termination of employment, create barriers to employment, expose otherwise law abiding citizens to an array of criminal influences and prohibit travel among other adverse effects. All of these are damages inflicted on Canadians by their government for behaviour that has been legalized in nearby Washington State. These actions by the Canadian government are an immorality that can be corrected by the Sensible B.C. initiative. Yaffe states that support for Sensible B.C. is a slam-dunk for pragmatic economic reasons. For many, it is self-evident as a moral imperative. Ernie Gorrie Cowichan - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom