Pubdate: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 Source: Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Copyright: 2013 Sun-Sentinel Company Contact: Website: Details: Author: Robert Sharpe Referenced: CHOOSE A FREE COUNTRY OR A DRUG-FREE ONE, BUT NOT BOTH Regarding Justin Pearson's Oct. 21 Viewpoint, "Policing for profit is a nationwide epidemic:" The financial incentives created by civil asset forfeiture laws are dangerous. Police can confiscate cars, cash and homes without bothering to charge owners with a crime. Vague allegations of drug trafficking don't justify turning protectors of the peace into financial predators. The drug war threatens the integrity of a country founded on the concept of limited government. Warrantless government surveillance, drug-sniffing dogs in schools and random drug testing have led to a loss of civil liberties while failing miserably at preventing drug use. A majority of European Union countries have decriminalized marijuana. Despite marijuana prohibition and perhaps because of forbidden-fruit appeal, lifetime use of marijuana is higher in the United States than in any European country. The U. S. now has the highest incarceration rate in the world, in large part due to the war on some drugs. This is big government at its worst. It's not possible towage a moralistic war against consensual vices unless privacy is completely eliminated, along with the U. S. Constitution. America can be a free country or a "drug-free" country, but not both. Robert Sharpe, policy analyst, Common Sense for Drug Policy, Washington, D. C. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom