Pubdate: Thu, 07 Nov 2013
Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)
Copyright: 2013 The Associated Press


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A New Mexico man who was pulled over for not 
making a complete stop was taken to two hospitals and forced to have 
anal probes, three enemas, two body X-rays and a colonoscopy because 
police thought he was hiding drugs, a federal lawsuit alleges.

In El Paso, a woman crossing the border was stripped searched, 
vaginally probed then taken to the hospital for more invasive tests, 
a forced bowel movement, X-rays and scans, the American Civil 
Liberties Union says.

No drugs were found in either of the cases, and both people are being 
billed by the hospitals, according to attorneys, who say the cases 
raise serious questions about law enforcement practices along the border.

"It's terrifying," said Laura Schauer Ives, an attorney with the ACLU 
in Albuquerque. "I think law enforcement has been emboldened, 
particularly when it comes to drug interdiction. It's kind of anything goes."

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of David Eckert against police and 
sheriff's officials in Deming and Hidalgo County, which borders 
Mexico, alleges Deming police sought a search warrant for Eckert 
because they thought he was clenching his buttocks Jan. 2. The 
lawsuit says Hildalgo County sheriff's deputies told Deming police 
officers that Eckert was known for carrying drugs inside his body. 
Police also brought in a drug-sniffing dog, which detected something 
in the driver's seat.

The Deming police chief did not respond to a call for comment 
Wednesday, but in their response to the lawsuit, the officers said 
they were lawfully carrying out their duties.

Schauer Ives said she is preparing to file a lawsuit against the 
Border Patrol on behalf of a New Mexico woman who was subjected to 
similar treatment after crossing from Mexico into El Paso in December.

A spokesman for the Border Patrol in El Paso also did not respond to 
a request for comment.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom