Pubdate: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 Source: Roanoke Times (VA) Copyright: 2013 Roanoke Times Contact: Details: SOUNDING THE ALARM ON PRISON POLITICS There is growing bipartisan support for escaping the cell-block money trap. Virginians who didn't blink at the time may have noticed that state sentencing reform got a quick twirl from both major party candidates during the gubernatorial campaign - though no dance partner. In a state that in 1994 sent George Allen to the governor's mansion on a promise to end parole, talk of abandoning mandatory minimums for some offenses creates barely a ripple as we head into 2014. That's because, in the state and the nation, the politics of crime has come up against its own hard reality: It costs too much to keep 2.4 million people in prison, as the U.S. does. Times are hard. Finding a way out of the cell-block money trap might offer warring Republicans and Democrats a patch of common ground. They'd do well to cultivate it, particularly in Congress. An Urban Institute report released last week sharpens the view of where the country is heading if it continues the trajectory it is on. "Stemming the Tide: Strategies to Reduce the Growth and Cut the Cost of the Federal Prison System" confines its analysis to federal policy, where lawmakers would do well to draw on its suggestions for reforms. The number of federal inmates has grown almost tenfold since 1980, from 25,000 to 219,000 today, an unsustainable rate mainly driven, the authors note, by long drug sentences, the result of congressionally imposed mandatory minimums even for nonviolent crimes. Consequently, prisons are operating at 35 to 40 percent over capacity. The most dangerous facilities, where most inmates have histories of violence, are even more overcrowded. High-security prisons operated at 51 percent over capacity in FY 2012, and medium-security at 47 percent over capacity. Plus, "Prison staffing has not kept up with population growth," though high inmate-to-staff ratios are linked to increases in serious assaults. Grim. But even at that, the prison system's budget request for FY 2014 is $6.9 billion - more than a quarter of the Justice Department's entire budget, a proportion that is projected to grow. Simply warehousing so many people sops up most of the money, which would be better spent on programs to keep them from reoffending and ever having to come back again. President Nixon declared a "war on drugs" in 1971, but the mass imprisonment bedeviling the nation started under President Reagan in the 1980s and finally is being seen for the failure it is. Fear of being labeled "soft of crime" seems to have lost its political potency, and there's growing support in Congress for reducing mandatory minimum penalties - and a growing awareness, even, that intruding on judicial discretion does not serve justice nearly so well as it serves selfish political ends. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt