Pubdate: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 Source: Maple Ridge Times (CN BC) Copyright: 2013 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc Contact: Details: Author: Tim Tyler Cited: Sensible BC: KAMP MISGUIDED ON POT AND VETS I thought I'd missed the Sensible BC rally Saturday last in the Memorial Peace Park, but when I showed up, there was still a small coterie of cannabis co-conspirators around the makeshift kiosk where one could add his or her name to the growing list favouring the legalization of the evil weed, marijuana. The local campaign, under the direction of Craig Speirs, is trying to collect 10 per cent of the registered voters in the two ridings that intersect in Maple Ridge. As of Saturday they were about a third of the way there, with less than a month to go. We have discussed in this space the advantages of legalizing the weed: everything from billions in revenue through taxes, to jobs (200,000!), to the extra hours available to the police to pursue real criminals, to the removal of marijuana commerce from the hands of organized crime. Unfortunately, both the federal and provincial governments oppose marijuana reform: meaning Liberal MLAs [Doug] Bing and [Marc] Dalton won't sign the petition, claiming they "don't have permission to yet" - - mom won't let them, in spite of how their constituents might feel. Herr [Randy] Kamp, our MP, who says he has never smoked grass and has no intention of doing so, thinks it's a pretty harmful drug without mentioning why, and admits that he isn't clear what Sensible BC is proposing. He also thinks that "most Canadians don't smoke marijuana" - without divulging his source of information or how many Canadians "most'" represents - and that "'most' Canadians support 'our' (meaning Stephen Harper's) point of view." So, here's your representative in Ottawa, who has never smoked marijuana - not that it matters - who doesn't know what Sensible BC is all about, and who makes statements about the drug, using an ambiguous word such as "most" to describe the number of citizens who don't smoke what is, in his view, a harmful substance, because that's what the boss has told him to say. Don't confuse the electorate with a lot of statistics and studies and information; all they have to know is that pot is evil - right out of Reefer Madness this, and just what Conservative supporters wish to hear: that pot-smokers are hedonistic hippies who love to get high and have sex and contribute nothing to the Conservative vision of society. Thank God sex isn't the issue here, as in legalizing prostitution or just fornicating out of wedlock, else the Harperites would be criminalizing it as well. Mayor [Ernie] Daykin did sign the petition, and I'm sure he's never ingested anything stronger than one of his wife's lemon meringue pies. He says there needs to be some conversation and that maybe legalizing it is the way to go. Pitt Meadows Mayor Deb Walters will not sign because she doesn't want to foist her opinions on anyone else (hear that Randall?), but admits she has no problem with legalization. Open minds, independent thinkers. As much as I admire Speirs and consider him a friend, I think he may be his own worst enemy, a high-profile community activist from the left who has been in politics at several levels, a tree-hugger who is now a "weed-hugger." His reputation may be keeping some people away, although one can only hope that voters will look at the issue and not the man, when considering their options. This isn't just a "pinko pipe dream" or some socialist scheme to drug the electorate into submission; legalization makes sense. So don't Bogart that vote, my friend. Meanwhile, at the cenotaph on Nov. 11, an irony-free Randy Kamp is laying a wreath while back in Ottawa his boss is planning to close veterans' affairs regional offices while cutting 300 jobs and $226 million from the program to service ill and injured vets. Later on at the grocery, I witnessed a man chastising Kamp in the express line, for the way the Cons are treating the veterans. Lest we forget. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt