Pubdate: Thu, 05 Dec 2013
Source: Sacramento News & Review (CA)
Copyright: 2013 Chico Community Publishing, Inc.
Author: Ngaio Bealum


What's up with the raids in Denver? I thought weed was legal in Colorado?

- -Jeff

Right? It would seem that the folks running these particular clubs 
aren't doing as good of a job as they could be doing. According to 
published reports, Hector Diaz, one of the owners of the raided 
clubs, has ties to Colombian cartels and was also sending legally 
grown medical cannabis out of state. John Ingold from The Denver Post 
has an excellent article about the raids at

The thing about marijuana no longer being a black-market-or even a 
gray-market-commodity is that more than a few club operators are 
going to have to clean up their acts. The feds and the local 
authorities are still a little miffed that the laws have changed, so 
they will definitely be looking harder at marijuana business owners 
to make sure they aren't fucking up the new game, as it were. As long 
as the accused get their day in court, and this isn't another one of 
those infamous Drug Enforcement Administration 
raids, then I think (and it really really pains me to say this) the 
DEA may have done the right thing. Damn it.

I know a lot of stoners, and I would love to get them some sort of 
cannabis-related gifts. Any ideas?

- -Canna-Chris Cringle

But of course! Hempy holidaze to you! Smoking devices are always a 
great idea. I have been hearing great things about the Cloud 
vaporizer ( Magic Flight vapes 
( are still awesome, especially for using at 
home. If you can afford one, the Volcano vaporizer 
( is a great choice for the heavy-duty 
cannabis user.

How about giving the gift of travel? Washington and Colorado will 
have legal recreational pot shops open in 2014. Hell to the yes! Fly 
your friend to Denver or Seattle (or Pueblo or Vail or Tacoma), hit 
all the clubs, and have your own little Cannabis Cup in the privacy 
of your hotel room. Not only will you have fun, you will be 
supporting the cannabis movement by showing other states that legal 
weed means extra tourist dollars. A win-win for everyone.

For the fashion forward, Grassroots California 
( makes great snapback baseball 
caps, and it donates a portion of the proceeds to worthy causes. 
Rasta Empire ( makes excellent T-shirts. There 
are weed-inspired items all over the place. Check my column from last 
year (see "Happy holidaze" SN&R The 420; December 6, 2012) for some 
more good ideas. Happy Chrismakwanzaahanukkah to you and yours.

This is kind of off topic, but what's your favorite holiday?

- -Nick

I love Kwanzaa, because each day has a theme that can also be used as 
a guide for the rest of the year. My fave themes are co-operative 
economics (ujamaa) and self-determination (kujichagulia). Check out 
this website (man, I am full of links today) for more info:

Hempy holidaze to you all.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom