Pubdate: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 Source: National Post (Canada) Copyright: 2013 Canwest Publishing Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Chris Selley CANADA'S WEIRD POT DEBATE In a recent Conservative radio advertisement, a mother frets that legalizing and regulating marijuana, as Liberal leader Justin Trudeau proposes, would send "the message that recreational drug use is OK." "That's the last thing I want my kids to think!" she exclaims. "And making it easier for my kids to get? It doesn't sound like Justin Trudeau has the kind of judgment we need in a prime minister." It echoes Stephen Harper's take on the issue, last expressed in a letter to the people of Brandon-Souris during the recent byelection campaign. Mr. Trudeau's "plan to legalize marijuana will make it more accessible to our kids and encourage recreational drug use," he wrote - - which is, he added, "the wrong message to send to our children." It is all quite dumb. If legality necessarily equals increased accessibility, societal approval and increased consumption, you would expect Canada to do better at keeping marijuana out of the hands of children than alcohol and tobacco. The opposite is true: UNICEF's survey of child well-being in wealthy countries finds us in third place on smoking, 18th place on alcohol and 29th place - last - on marijuana. It's strange that the Liberals aren't hammering the Tories on that very point. A recent radio ad vaguely alleges that "in the past seven years of Stephen Harper and his Conservative government, our community has been flooded with marijuana," and argues regulation would do the opposite of what the Conservatives claim - i.e., "keep it out of the hands of our kids and striking back at the criminals and gangs who distribute it." But it doesn't seem like anything that would knock the timid or the socially conservative out of their comfort zone (pot's bad, so it should be illegal) and into problem-solving mode: Pot's bad, kids have easy access to it even though it's illegal ... or maybe even partly because it's illegal. That's the journey Justin Trudeau needs to take people on if legalization is going to be an asset more than a liability. Vancouver journalist Justin McElroy crunched the numbers from the recently failed attempt to force a referendum on decriminalization in British Columbia and, in a blog post this week, noted "the petition didn't just fail in any riding where at least 45% of people had a mother tongue other than English: With the exception of the Downtown Eastside riding of Vancouver-Hastings, it didn't even reach 5% in any of them." As Paul Wells of Maclean's has reported, those ridings are the main focus of the Conservatives' and Liberals' multilingual ads. "Imagine, making it available just like alcohol and cigarettes," the fretful mother in the Conservative ad scolds. Exactly. Mr. Trudeau needs her to imagine that, and then imagine her kid being turned away empty-handed. What Mr. Trudeau may have accomplished already, however, is to knock the Conservatives out of their comfort zone. Mr. Harper pledged in August to "look carefully" at the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police's longstanding proposal that simple possession under 30 grams be a ticketable offence, at the officer's discretion. This week, QMI reports that Justice Minister Peter MacKay is also mulling over fines for minor possession. Unfortunately, Mr. Trudeau hasn't knocked the debate towards coherence. Because both the CACP and Mr. MacKay insist that in taking these positions, they are not supporting decriminalization. "That doesn't mean decriminalizing or legalizing," Mr. MacKay stressed, "but it does mean giving police options, for example, to issue fines in addition to any other sanctions, or as a substitute for other sanctions." Back in 2002 the Canadian Alliance was perfectly happy to discuss partial decriminalization - albeit with a five gram ceiling as opposed to 30 In 2002 and 2004, when the Liberals introduced their ill-fated bills, that's pretty much exactly what we called decriminalization. Now, apparently, it's something else. Unfortunately, whatever you call it, easing up on consumers while leaving production in the hands of criminals is not a recipe for social improvement, and any conservative worth his salt ought to realize it. In fact, while Conservative drug policy is often cast as an adamantine article of faith, back in 2002 the Canadian Alliance was perfectly happy to discuss partial decriminalization - albeit with a five gram ceiling as opposed to 30. The main counterargument wasn't that droves of children might quickly and systematically set about ruining their lives, but that Washington would freak out. In the intervening years, as American states have liberalized their marijuana laws en masse, the Conservatives somehow managed to move in the opposite direction. If they are now willing to seriously consider decriminalization, all the while insisting that's not what they're considering and lashing out at the fellow who's proposing the most logical approach on offer - - the one that far more successfully keeps cigarettes and alcohol away from our precious children - it will be a curious form of political progress. But with these Conservatives, you take what you can get. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom