Pubdate: Mon, 23 Dec 2013
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2013 The Denver Post Corp
Author: John Ingold


Under Proposed Exemption, Firms Could Get Legal Help

Colorado has created a complex regulatory scheme for the state's new 
legal marijuana business, but don't ask a lawyer to get too deeply 
involved in it.

Attorneys would be breaking one of the state's rules of professional 
conduct if they help a marijuana business do simple things such as 
arrange a lease or negotiate a contract, according a Colorado Bar 
Association ethics opinion.

The opinion, released earlier this year, says lawyers who do more 
than give basic advice to marijuana businesses violate a rule that 
prohibits attorneys from helping clients do illegal things.

The sticking point is that marijuana businesses, while legal under 
state law, are illegal under federal law.

"Unless and until there is a change in applicable federal law or in 
the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, a lawyer cannot advise a 
client regarding the full panoply of conduct permitted by the 
marijuana amendments," the opinion states.

Just such a change may be on the horizon, after a state committee of 
lawyers and judges recommended that the Colorado Supreme Court change the rule.

The proposed new rule would create an exemption for lawyers who help 
marijuana business do things that the lawyers believe are legal under 
Colorado law.

In a letter explaining the need for the rule change, attorney Marcy 
Glenn, the chairwoman of the Supreme Court's Standing Committee on 
the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, wrote that lawyers are 
fearful of representing marijuana businesses because of the risk of 
being disciplined.

"The result appears to be that many Colorado citizens and businesses 
are being denied the benefit of legal counsel on important personal 
and business conduct," Glenn wrote.

Despite the rule, the Colorado Bar Association ethics opinion says no 
lawyers have yet been punished for working with marijuana businesses.

A separate proposed rule change would allow attorneys to use 
marijuana legally under Colorado law without breaking a rule against 
the use of illegal substances.

The Supreme Court will accept written comments on the proposed rule 
changes until Feb. 25 and will hold a public hearing on the rules on March 6.

Not everyone on the professional conduct committee approved of the new rules.

Representatives from Colorado's Office of Attorney Regulation 
Counsel, which prosecutes lawyers' conduct violations, opposed the 
new rule on providing assistance to the marijuana industry.

"I don't think there is a need for the new rule," said James Coyle, 
the head of the office.

Attorney Anthony van Westrum, a member of the professional conduct 
committee, said he thinks the new rules don't go far enough. They 
should also explicitly allow for lawyers to actually own marijuana 
businesses, he contends.

"More would be gained for Colorado's effort to see that its marijuana 
commerce is in fact compliant with law if Colorado lawyers were 
permitted to engage in it directly, alongside other entrepreneurs," 
he wrote in a September memo explaining his opposition.

Craig Small, an attorney and board member for the pro-marijuana group 
Colorado NORML, said the new rules will help the state have a more 
functional system for marijuana businesses.

"It doesn't seem to be in the interest of fairness and the American 
way that you create a regulatory structure that is very, very complex 
. and at the same time not allow them access to attorneys to guide 
them through that structure," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom