Pubdate: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 Source: Quad-City Times (IA) Copyright: 2013 Quad-City Times Contact: Website: Details: THE MARIJUANA DISTINCTION The Iowans who told their medical marijuana stories to Quad-City Times readers in the Dec. 15 editions seem to come from a planet wholly unfamiliar to our region's top drug officers. Times reporter Brian Wellner interviewed seven Iowans who were adamant that marijuana smoke, vapors, tincture and ointment are easing symptoms from verifiable illnesses that FDA-approved, opium-derived medications cannot. We reported on military veterans and the mothers of seriously ill toddlers who sought marijuana remedies to avoid the debilitating side effects of legal prescriptions. All were so convinced of marijuana's medical value, they were willing to share their names and photographs in a community where such disclosures still risk felony prosecution. The effectiveness of medical marijuana is spreading across the nation, and Illinois is poised to open dispensaries in 2014. Yet the top police authorities interviewed for last Sunday's story seem stuck in an enforcement time warp anchored in the 1960s. Neither our local undercover drug team leader, nor Iowa's top drug control director had even considered how Illinois' medical marijuana law will impact our region. Metropolitan Enforcement Group Director Kevin Winslow, who oversees undercover interdiction, seems to dismiss ample evidence about medical marijuana. "I don't want my children growing up thinking marijuana is medicine," Winslow told Times reporter Brian Wellner. Winslow is free to educate his children as he desires. But when making decisions on how to prioritize enforcement of drug laws in our community, he obviously needs more information. Quad-City veterans desperately seeking relief from post-traumatic stress should not be prosecuted the same way as crack or meth users. Yet, Iowa Office of Drug Control Policy seems to purposefully avoid marijuana's successful medical applications, and revert to old-timey, scared-straight tactics. The Office of Drug Control Policy's August report on marijuana legalization proclaims: "Marijuana is often used by methamphetamine users in Iowa. Many of the same criminal groups that smuggle meth into the State also bring and sell marijuana." Some meth users may smoke marijuana. But usage stats supplied by the same office confirm that the vast majority of Iowa's marijuana users have nothing to do with meth. Iowa Office of Drug Control Policy Director Steve Lukan told the Times he was comfortable deferring to the Food and Drug Administration on medicinal uses. His office recommends that Iowa keep marijuana a Schedule 1 substance unsuitable for medical uses, on par with LSD and cocaine. It seems Lukan and the governor want to continue the same failed crackdown that threatens medical users and turns thousands of recreational users into criminals. Iowans need their legislature to publicly discuss a drug control strategy rooted in contemporary research, not 1960s scare tactics. Iowans need their legislature to move beyond counting meth lab busts to evaluate enforcement. Iowans need their legislature to establish law that differentiates among medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, heroin, LSD, cocaine and meth. All are considered schedule 1 substances under Iowa law, subject to the same enforcement priority and punishment. Just because Iowa law says so, they are not the same. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom