Pubdate: Sun, 29 Dec 2013
Source: Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ)
Copyright: 2013 The Arizona Republic
Author: Craig Harris
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Price of Prisons


Arizona Begins to Place Inmates in New Facility

The Red Rock Correctional Center, Arizona's newest private prison, 
will begin housing inmates next month, with taxpayers guaranteeing 
its owner a profit to help alleviate overcrowding in the state 
penitentiary system.

State Corrections Director Charles Ryan hopes to house up to 1,000 
inmates there by the end of next year - twice the number originally 
planned in the first year. The facility along East Arica Road and 
Arizona 87 just outside Eloy has the capacity for 1,596 inmates.

The complex about 65 miles south of Phoenix was built in 2006 by 
Corrections Corporation of America to house inmates for the state of 
California. After CCA won an open-bid contract last year to house 
Arizona inmates, it moved its California prisoners to other CCA sites 
around the country.

According to Ryan, state-owned facilities have roughly 5,000 inmates 
sleeping in temporary beds because of overcrowding. Arizona, as of 
Friday, housed 41,157 inmates, about one-sixth of them in private facilities.

"The department was in need of beds," Ryan said. "The solution was a 
private-prison operator."

Corrections officials forecast the state prison population will 
surpass 43,000 in fiscal 2016, despite four recent years of 
relatively little growth or declines in the population.

The Corrections Department is wary of building its own new prisons to 
accommodate the growth, citing costs that could exceed $100 million. 
Instead, it is expanding its use of private prisons.

If the contract lasts 20 years as expected, the long-term cost of the 
CCA contract is likely to exceed $400 million.

CCA wins contract

The Corrections Corporation of America beat four other private-prison 
companies in August 2012 to win the contract.

CCA is guaranteed a 90 percent occupancy rate at Red Rock, meaning 
the state will transfer inmates out of state-operated facilities and 
into the private prison until the minimum occupancy is met.

The guarantee requires a minimum of 450 inmates by the end of the 
first year, and 900 by the end of the second, but Ryan wants to 
accelerate the transfer of up to 1,000 inmates in 2014. There also is 
room to expand to the facility's capacity.

Arizona will pay CCA $65.43 a day per inmate. Once the contract is 
fully implemented, the 90 percent occupancy guarantee will result in 
the company being paid at least $58,887 a day for 900 inmates - 
nearly $21.5 million a year. The contract is for an initial term of 
10 years, with two five-year renewal options upon mutual agreement. 
Should the contract run 20 years, CCA could make at least $430 
million. Ownership of the facility would transfer to the state after 20 years.

The Arizona Republic reviewed Corrections documents and CCA financial 
records and calculated the company's operating margin on the Red Rock 
contract. The operating margin measures how much of each dollar of 
revenue from the state Red Rock will keep after ordinary expenses.

The Nashville-based company, which is publicly held, said in a U.S. 
Securities and Exchange Commission filing that its average total 
daily expenses per inmate at facilities it owns and manages was 
$45.89 during the first nine months of 2013. Based on that figure, 
Arizona's daily payment will provide $19.54 in daily operating income 
per inmate, as compared with $22.23 in daily income per inmate the 
company typically makes in other facilities it owns and operates.

That equates to an operating margin of about 30 percent on the Red 
Rock contract. The company, which operates 69 facilities in 20 states 
and the District of Columbia, averages just more than a 29 percent 
operating margin at all facilities it manages or owns, according to a 
recent company filing.

The state is requiring CCA to make numerous improvements, such as 
building a new softball field, enhancing dining facilities and adding 
parking at Red Rock. The company, in an SEC filing, said it expects 
to incur approximately $20.5 million in capital-improvement expenses 
- - less than what it will make in an entire year with Arizona's 
occupancy guarantee.

"We are being compensated for a service we provide," said Steven 
Owen, a CCA spokesman. "It's a very specialized service.... We are 
providing cost savings at the end of the day to taxpayers and 
relieving unsafe overcrowding."

Corrections Corporation of America trades on the New York Stock 
Exchange. For the first nine months of this year, it recorded $1.26 
billion in revenue and posted $253.3 million in profit - more than 
double the earnings recorded for the same time in 2012.

High occupancy

Critics say promising such a high inmate-occupancy rate at Red Rock 
guarantees CCA a healthy bottom line at taxpayer expense. The 
occupancy guarantee at Red Rock, however, is the lowest among the 
state's three private-prison operators, with other sites having 
occupancy guarantees of 95 to 100 percent, according to Corrections 
Department records. The other private operators are the GEO Group 
Inc. and Management & Training Corp.

Ryan said occupancy-rate guarantees are a way for the state to secure 
a fixed cost to house inmates, and it keeps contractors from raising 
rates because of demand. The guarantees also are needed, he said, to 
attract private-prison operators who must recover their costs to 
build facilities. The state saves money upfront by not having to 
build new prisons despite a growing inmate population, he said. The 
state also assumes ownership of the facilities at the end of the contract.

"We are not closing state prison beds to ensure a private-bed 
operator a guaranteed occupancy rate," Ryan said.

But Shar Habibi, research and policy director for a Washington, 
D.C.-based watchdog group called In the Public Interest, said Arizona 
taxpayers are on the hook if the CCA beds and other private 
facilities go unused.

"If you don't fill those beds, you are still paying for them," said 
Habibi, whose group monitors private-prison contracts around the country.

CCA spokesman Owen called In the Public Interest's claims against 
private-prison companies "sensationalized." He said occupancy 
guarantees are commonly used by state governments to control costs.

"We look at what we can do to provide the most cost-effective 
solutions," Owen said.

But Justin Jones, former Oklahoma Department of Corrections director 
who has worked with Habibi and is an opponent of private prisons, 
said correctional facilities should be used to reduce recidivism - 
not become a "profit machine" for private businesses.

Lower costs

Arizona began looking at private prisons in the late 1980s, Ryan 
said, when a group of lawmakers and Corrections officials visited 
Louisiana and compared the operational cost between state-run and 
private facilities.

Ryan, at the time an upper manager at DOC, was asked to go on the 
trip and assess staffing levels and operations. He said he concluded 
that the private prison had lower operating costs because it did not 
have a correctional officer at all of the security posts.

He said his opinion was not solicited at the time about whether 
Arizona should have private prisons. He sidesteps the question today.

"Private prisons are part of the public policy of the state of 
Arizona as determined by the Legislature and the executive branch," 
Ryan said. "I am here to support the public policy, and that public 
policy has served the Department of Corrections and the state of 
Arizona particularly well during difficult budgetary times.... To me, 
it's not a philosophical issue. It's a business decision."

Arizona's first contract prison opened in Marana in October 1994, 10 
months after a "truth in sentencing" law went into effect that 
dramatically increased prison sentences and the state's inmate 
population, which at the time was just less than 19,000 inmates. 
Arizona's prison population is now more than double that.

And since fiscal 1995, the number of in-state private-prison inmates 
has grown from 273 to 6,489. Arizona also contracted to house inmates 
with out-of-state private prisons from fiscal 2004 to 2010.

Whether CCA or other private-prison operators save the state money is 

A Corrections Department study found it was less expensive in 2008, 
2009 and 2010 to house inmates in state-run medium-security 
facilities compared with similar in-state private facilities.

That still may be the case, but it is difficult to determine because 
the state no longer factors inmate costs the same way.

In fiscal 2013, which ended June 30, the non-adjusted average daily 
cost per inmate at a medium-security prison was $64.52, compared with 
the private-prison cost of $58.82.

However the state's number includes inmates who have significant 
medical or mental-health issues. The private prisons house only 
healthy inmates.

When an adjustment is made for the medical costs, the balance tips 
significantly in the state's favor.

The adjusted 2010 daily cost of housing a medium-security inmate in a 
state-run facility was $48.42, compared with the private-prison cost of $53.02.

Ryan acknowledged that private-prison inmates are "a healthier, 
less-expensive population" to house.

The Legislature in 2012 repealed the law that required the 
Corrections Department to conduct a state and private cost 
comparison, which had occurred since fiscal 1995.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom