Pubdate: Fri, 27 Dec 2013
Source: Montreal Gazette (CN QU)
Copyright: 2013 Canwest Publishing Inc.
Author: Linda Nguyen


SOME USERS worry that privatizing Canada's medical cannabis industry 
will come at too high a cost

Mark Gobuty isn't raising cattle or cultivating corn on his farm 
north of Toronto - he's growing medical marijuana.

His company, the Peace Naturals Project, is one of the first to be 
approved by Health Canada to commercially produce and distribute 
dried cannabis before changes next spring to Ottawa's marijuana 
medical access program.

Starting April 1, the program that began in 2001 will no longer 
require medicinal marijuana users to buy their medication through 
Ottawa's one approved supplier, grow their own plants or designate 
someone to be their personal grower. Instead, users will be 
restricted to buying their cannabis from a list of approved suppliers.

Gobuty, Peace Naturals' chief executive and co-founder, says his 
company is focused on providing a quality product, but he also 
understands the compassionate side of drug dispensing.

"We certainly have vision. We want to help people," said Gobuty 
during an interview at his secluded and highly secured farm in 
Clearview Township.

"It's really (about) the purpose and intent of the medicine we can 
provide. If we can do one thing, we want to provide people with peace."

But that peace will come at a price. And some prescribed users, such 
as Marcel Gignac, from Amherst, N.S., are worried that privatizing 
the medical cannabis industry will come at too high a cost.

Gignac's supplier is a designated grower, but his wife, who also uses 
the herb to ease the pain from arthritis, knee and hip replacements, 
grows her own plants. He estimates she pays about five cents per gram 
for her medication.

He said he and other members from the volunteer-run Medicinal 
Cannabis Patients' Alliance of Canada, some of whom are unable to 
work due to their conditions, will not be able to afford market prices.

"My options are: I can sit back and suffer and die, or grow it 
illegally or go to jail," said 51-year-old Gignac, who smokes 30 
grams a day to treat an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis.

The idea behind opening up the industry is to provide users with more 
choice, offer a standardized quality of product, and lessen the 
security risks for users who grow the bud at home. Federal officials 
forecast the industry will grow to $1.3 billion in sales by 2024.

Health Canada estimates that consumers currently pay between $1.80 to 
$5 per gram of dried marijuana, with the price under the new program 
to rise to about $7.60 per gram in 2014. Peace Naturals charges $6 a 
gram and offers a 50 per cent discount, up to a set amount, for those 
on disability allowance or social assistance.

More than 37,000 Canadians are authorized to possess marijuana for 
medicinal purposes, such as minimizing the effects from a variety of 
ailments ranging from cancer to spinal cord injury to 
attention-deficit disorder. That figure is expected to swell to 
450,000 in 10 years. About 25,000 now grow their own plants for personal use.

Under the new rules, users will no longer have to apply for a 
possession licence through Health Canada but, instead, be approved 
with a doctor's prescription.

As of the end of November, Health Canada said it had received 285 
applications for commercial production licences and approved three suppliers.

It does not have a cap on how many commercial licences it will 
ultimately grant.

Paul Grootendorst, the director of social and administrative pharmacy 
at the University of Toronto, expects prices to rise in the short 
term but, as more suppliers are approved, the competition will likely 
benefit the consumer.

Since it received approval at the end of October, Peace Naturals has 
produced 14 different varieties of cannabis, with varying levels of 
potency and side-effects.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom