Pubdate: Tue, 24 Jun 2014
Source: Trentonian, The (NJ)
Copyright: 2014 The Trentonian
Author: David Foster


HAMILTON -- Loretta Young should have placed more weight on her job
than a skimpy bag.

The student assistance coordinator at Steinert High School was fired
last month for allegedly brokering a deal of marijuana and money to
occur between two students in her classroom (identified only as J.C.
and G.H.) in order to fix a drug deal gone wrong, according to
arbitrator Michael J. Pecklers' report.

"Her efforts to sweep the controversy of the 'skimped' bag of
marijuana under the rug ... became unhinged when the student she
allowed to leave her office with the illegal drugs (J.C.) was later
caught in possession the next period," Pecklers wrote.

On May 2, Pecklers upheld the tenure charges against Young filed in
January based on the unbecoming conduct and misbehavior of her
actions. The incident involving the 17-year district employee occurred
on Oct. 22.

The arbitrator ruled in favor of the district following five hearings,
which included testimony from administrators, students, teachers and
Young. He stated Young told contradicting and inconsistent stories
throughout the ordeal.

"It was never the intent of Ms. Young to report any student to
administration or police as to what happened in her office during 6th
period," Pecklers stated. "As far as she was concerned, the matter was
settled -- G.H. had her money back as well as her routine lecture on
not smoking pot, and J.C. had his marijuana back. Crisis resolved. End
of story."

Pecklers stated only after the student was caught in possession of the
dime bag that the "cover-up wheels started churning."

"Her first reaction was avoidance, hoping the issue would never come
up," Pecklers stated.

But the story went viral the day after the incident within the school,
the report states.

On Oct. 23 and Oct. 24, Young told principals she was "conducting a
private sting operation in trying to catch J.C. as a dealer,"
according to the report.

But upon suspension, Young allegedly changed her story on Oct. 30 when
she met with the school administration.

Pecklers states Young explained she witnessed a "spur of the moment
transaction" between the two students within seconds of the bill
ringing "with no opportunity to react." Young also allegedly said she
was "beaten to the punch" to report the incident by another student.

During her testimony at an April 4 hearing, Young said she "didn't

"That day created a lot of discourse with all that went on and I
really cannot say -- the kids would remember better than I would," she

Pecklers called her side of the story a "chameleon-like version of

"Her demeanor during direct and cross was suspect. Her denials rang
hollow. She appeared flustered," he stated.

The report says Young was responsible for counseling students with
substance abuse issues and assisting them in obtaining out-of-school
assistance when necessary.

"The conversations she has with students regarding drug or issues are
confidential as a matter of law, she is aware of her obligation to
report any illegal activity," the report states.

A student testified Young told students that she could get them all in
trouble that day for the transaction, and one of the alleged drug deal
participants replied: "You know you wouldn't do that, you love us too