Pubdate: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Copyright: 2014 Union-Tribune Publishing Co. Contact: Details: Note: Seldom prints LTEs from outside it's circulation area. Author: Kristina Davis COURT SAYS FEDS CAN POLICE POT COLLECTIVES Panel Rules Against Dispensary Owners SAN DIEGO - An appeals court on Wednesday upheld the federal government's right to crack down on California medical marijuana dispensaries complying with state law. The unpublished ruling by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals addresses a lawsuit from four San Diego dispensaries and a patient, as well as separate but similar suits in Sacramento and the Bay Area. In the appeal, the lawyers for the dispensaries argued that the federal raids violated their constitutional rights. The court cited a prior 2007 ruling in rejecting the argument. Preventing federal enforcement "would compromise a governmental interest in enforcing the law and would therefore be inappropriate," the ruling says. Lance Rogers, a San Diego-based attorney for one of the dispensaries in the case, said a petition will be filed soon for the appeal to be heard by a full 11-judge panel at the 9th Circuit. Federal enforcement of medical marijuana use has been controversial since 56 percent of state voters approved the Compassionate Use Act in 1996. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law. "We will continue to focus on federal interests in evaluating marijuana prosecutions in the Southern District of California," U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy said in a statement Wednesday, "and will collaborate with our state and local partners to ensure the safety of our communities." Rogers said half of the United States now has medical marijuana laws in place. "This issue has to change at the federal level," he said. The San Diego case was filed in 2011, but U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw dismissed the case. Among the defendants were Cloud 9 Cooperative in Point Loma, Light the Way in the Midway District, Mother Earth's Alternative Healing Cooperative in El Cajon, American Treatment Advancement Cooperative in Otay Mesa, and patients Joy Greenfield and Briana Bilbray. Bilbray, daughter of former Republican Rep. Brian Bilbray, has publicly supported medical marijuana after she used it during skin cancer treatment. She was not part of the ensuing appeal. The lawsuit was filed after the U.S. attorney in San Diego sent letters to the dispensaries operating in the county and their landlords, threatening criminal prosecution and forfeiture. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D