Pubdate: Tue, 21 Jan 2014
Source: Daily Citizen, The (Dalton, GA)
Copyright: 2014 Daily Citizen


Twenty states now allow the medical use of marijuana. Could Georgia
join their numbers?

A poll conducted last week by InsiderAdvantage for Morris News and
Atlanta's WAGA-TV found that 51 percent of Georgians support limited
use of medical marijuana. Fifty-three percent of Democrats and 52
percent of Republicans favor medical marijuana, while 48 percent of
self-described independents support it.

Some Republican lawmakers are starting to express interest in the
idea. State Sen. Josh McKoon, R-Columbus, has called for hearings on
legalizing medical marijuana, and reports out of Atlanta have
indicated the Senate leadership may allow those hearings. State House
Majority Leader David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, said earlier this month
that, despite some concerns, he's willing to consider the idea.

"I want to look at the science. I want to look at the medicine," he

And Senate President Pro Tem David Shafer has said he's open to
discussing legalizing medical marijuana, within limits.

"It is unfortunate that some states have clouded the issue by using a
medical justification to effectively legalize recreational use," he
told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

With elections coming up this year, most candidates for the General
Assembly will likely be quizzed on their views on this topic.

We shouldn't be surprised that Republicans in Georgia are opening up
to the idea of medical marijuana. Conservative principles should lead
to the conclusion that politicians, law enforcement and prosecutors
should not interfere with the doctor-patient relationship. If a
physician believes marijuana can help reduce a patient's suffering or
help in the healing process, he or she should be able to prescribe it
and the patient should be able to use the prescribed medical marijuana
without fear of legal sanction.

But conservative principles also lead to the conclusion that local
communities should be able to guard their common values. If Georgia
lawmakers really consider legalizing medical marijuana, they should
look to the state's alcoholic beverage laws as a guide. To the extent
practical, cities and counties should be able to decide whether they
want to allow the cultivation of marijuana or the establishment of
dispensaries within their jurisdictions.  
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D