Pubdate: Mon, 27 Jan 2014
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2014 Los Angeles Times
Author: Barbara Demick


Entrepreneurs Set Up Labs and Appear to Be Distributing the Drug 
Beyond the Borders.

YANJI, China - After the North Korean coal mine where she worked 
stopped paying salaries, Park Kyung Ok tried her hand at business.

Buttons and zippers, candy and dried squid, fabric, plastic 
tarpaulins, men's suits and cigarettes.

"I sold just about everything," said Park, 44.

But it wasn't until she started hawking methamphetamine in 2007, she 
said, that she was able to earn a living.

Methamphetamine, known as orum, or "ice," is a rare commodity 
manufactured and sold in North Korea, where most factories sit idle, 
the equipment rusted or looted. The North Korean government once 
produced the drug, and others that are illicit in the West. 
Resourceful entrepreneurs have since set up their own small 
facilities, and evidence suggests that they are distributing the drug 
beyond the nation's borders.

Last month, five alleged drug smugglers - Chinese, British and Thai 
men among them - appeared in federal court in New York, extradited 
from Thailand in a plot to smuggle 220 pounds of crystal meth to the 
United States. They said that their product originated in North Korea.

A Harvard University researcher, Sheena Chestnut Greitens, has 
tracked 16 drug busts from 2008 to the present in China involving 
crystal meth from North Korea in quantities of up to 22 pounds.

"Meth is a product you can make in bathtubs or trailers," Greitens 
said. "You have a wide range of people involved in production and trafficking."

Park, a bantam-size woman who tittered nervously when recounting her 
own audacity, said she got into the meth business fresh from a 
divorce, while struggling to support her children and a disabled 
sister in Hoeryong, a hardscrabble mining town of 130,000 on the 
Chinese border.

Park used to travel to another North Korean city, Chongjin, to buy 
meth that she would carry back hidden in a candy box. She would sell 
it behind the counter at a bicycle parts store at the public market. 
Hidden among the spare parts were metal plates, burners and other 
drug paraphernalia.

She usually paid the equivalent of $15 for a gram of high quality 
product, which she would then cut with cheaper meth and divide into 
12 smaller portions to resell for a few dollars' profit.

"It was just enough money that I could buy rice to eat and coal for 
heating," said Park, who was interviewed in China and, like most 
North Korean defectors, used an assumed name.

North Koreans say there is little stigma attached to meth use. Some 
take it to treat colds or boost their energy; students take it to 
work late. The drug also helps curb appetites in a country where food 
is scarce. It is offered up as casually as a cup of tea, North Koreans say.

"If you go to somebody's house it is a polite way to greet somebody 
by offering them a sniff," said Lee Saera, 43, of Hoeryong, also 
interviewed in China. "It is like drinking coffee when you're sleepy, 
but ice is so much better."

Despite its draconian legal system, North Korea has long been 
easygoing about narcotics use. With analgesics scarce, opium paste is 
commonly sold for pain relief. Marijuana (called "mouth tobacco") is 
legal and frequently grown at home to be mixed in with rolling tobacco.

Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug that was first developed in Japan 
in the late 19th century, made from chemicals such as ephedrine and 
distributed as a stimulant.

Through the 1990s, the North Korean government ran the production of 
opium, meth and other drugs for Office 39, a unit raising hard 
currency for then-leader Kim Jong Il, according to narcotics 
investigators. But the North Korean government has largely gone out 
of the drug business, according to the U.S. State Department's 2013 
International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.

When the North Korean government controlled the business, the drugs 
were strictly for export. Privatization made the drugs more widely 
available within the country. North Koreans say meth first appeared 
on the streets around 2005 and that it came from Hamhung, the onetime 
center of the nation's pharmaceutical and chemical industry, and thus 
a city filled with unemployed scientists and technicians. The 
industry then spread to Chongjin and the capital, Pyongyang.

"North Korean people learn fast to reuse their skills," said Kim Yong 
Chol, 58, a truck driver who fled North Korea in August.

Meth was ideal for budding North Korean entrepreneurs because it 
could be cooked in small "kitchen laboratories," with chemical 
precursors readily available across the border in China, which has 
laxer control than many other countries.

The finished product finds its way back across the border, carried by 
smugglers who also traffic in cellphones, DVDs and cash.

Sensitive about their traditional political ties with the communist 
country, the Chinese don't often complain publicly about North Korean 
drugs and Chinese news reports do not mention the neighboring nation. 
"The stories would often say they arrested somebody named Kim from 
the border of a foreign country, so you could figure it out," Greitens said.

In Yanji, a Chinese border city of 400,000, the number of drug users 
increased nearly 47 times from 1995 to 2005, according to a paper 
published in 2010 by Cui Junyong, a professor at the Yanbian 
University School of Law in China.

"Smuggling of North Korean drugs into China hurts the health of the 
province and the region and endangers the stability of the region," Cui wrote.

The case in a New York court last month involved a gang reportedly 
working out of Thailand and the Philippines. The drugs never reached 
the United States, but samples provided to undercover agents proved 
to be 99% pure, according to the indictment filed in U.S. District 
Court in New York.

Those arrested said they were the only remaining providers from North Korea.

"The NK government already burned all the labs. Only our labs are not 
closed," a Chinese citizen who was one of the gang reportedly boasted 
to an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration agent.

Because of the purity of the meth seized by the DEA, experts believe 
it might have been stockpiled and left over from the days when the 
North Korean government ran the drug manufacturing. The drugs 
produced by private entrepreneurs are of lower quality, according to Greitens.

It is unclear how serious the North Korean government is about 
cracking down on the drug trade, or if it is merely trying to 
reassert control over a lucrative business. Lee, released in 2011 
from a North Korean labor camp where she was sentenced for illegal 
border crossing, said that of 1,200 inmates, up to 40% had been 
arrested for trafficking meth.

Park, the self-described former dealer from Hoeryong, said, "If you 
are caught once or twice, with only a small amount like me, you can 
get away with it if you have connections. But a third time, you will 
be in real trouble."

She said she soured on the meth trade after a few years. In her 
inminban, the neighborhood committee by which North Korean society is 
organized, there were two or three people who were serious meth addicts.

"Mostly men, they would get crazy and fight with knives," Park said.

She was distraught when her teenage daughter admitted she sniffed 
meth to concentrate on her studies.

"I was doing bad things because everybody else was doing bad things," 
Park said.

She quit the meth trade in 2009, she said, and left North Korea the 
following year in hopes of rebuilding her life.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom