Pubdate: Tue, 04 Feb 2014
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2014 The Boston Herald, Inc
Author: Priyanka Dayal McCluskey
Page: 9


The state agency overseeing medical marijuana is steering clear of new
ads promoting pot on the radio, saying its regulations apply only to
dispensaries licensed to sell the product - but Bay State Republicans
said state officials should have seen this coming.

"The Department of Public Health's regulations for Registered
Marijuana Dispensaries recognize the concerns of the substance abuse
prevention community and municipalities, while also taking into
account the need for qualifying patients to have access to information
about RMDs," said spokesman David Kibbe. "DPH has limited certain
advertising materials, including, for example, prohibiting ads that
depict or encourage the recreational use of marijuana, or portray
youth, or show smoking or smokable products."

Kibbe declined to comment on new radio ads from the New England Grass
Roots Institute in Quincy, which claim marijuana, when used properly,
"adds to a healthy lifestyle." The company runs classes teaching
people how to grow and use medical marijuana, but is not a dispensary.
Institute president Mike Fitzgerald said his ads follow the law and
are introducing marijuana to suffering patients.

"It seems that this advertising and this new business are evidence of
what opponents warned of, which is that introducing marijuana into
Massachusetts for medicinal purposes would create a market and a
subculture around marijuana," said Rob Cunningham, executive director
of the state GOP.

A spokesman for the Attorney General's Office declined to comment
yesterday. Spokesmen for the governor, House speaker and Senate
president did not respond to requests for comment.
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