Pubdate: Wed, 19 Feb 2014
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2014 The Toronto Star
Author: Jennifer Pagliaro
Page: GT3


Police using virtual town hall, liaison officers to build trust with
city's Somali community

Police say violent crime is down in the city's northwest end after a
massive guns and gang sweep this summer, as neighbourhood officers
continue to build inroads in person - and now over the phone.

Community rebuilding began with the six-person Somali Liaison

"From a realistic perspective - and I don't want to jinx this - the
violent crime has decreased significantly," said Supt. Ron Taverner,
commander of the police division encompassing north Etobicoke and Rexdale.

That positive shift also extends to the Dixon Rd. community, Taverner
said, where eight months ago officers raided six apartment towers in
Project Traveller. More than 50 people were arrested and accused of
smuggling guns and drugs, and belonging to the Dixon City Bloods gang.

The spotlight on the Dixon complex since the June raids has been
especially intense after links were uncovered between the towers, some
of the accused, Mayor Rob Ford and the infamous crack video.

Deputy Chief Peter Sloly said no reported homicides or shootings in
that area, ranked one of the city's most violent, is a "substantial
success." But, he said, that success should not be taken for granted.

"I don't want either the officers or the community to feel that we've
won," he said, adding the pressure to reduce crime and keep it that
way must be consistent.

So the rebuilding that began after the raids with the Somali Liaison
Unit - six officers committed to policing in the Dixon Rd., Queen's
Plate Dr. and Islington Ave. communities for two years - will continue.

For an hour Tuesday night, officers took part in a virtual town hall
with residents in those neighbourhoods.

With the help of Prime Contact calling service and a Somali
translator, the officers polled and took questions from those they
serve, gauging public perception of policing initiatives and how
comfortable residents feel interacting with police.

In September, the last time the Somali unit held a virtual town hall,
1,000 people were on the line, said Sgt. Chris Laush. By comparison,
community safety meetings in the basement of one of the Dixon Rd.
apartment buildings have drawn a crowd of less than 50.

Since the summer, Laush and his officers have launched youth programs
and continued with others like homework clubs and computer training -
projects police see as long-term investments. The team, none of whom
are Somali, have also recently started language lessons.

In November, Toronto police, with RCMP and CSIS, held a Somali-focused
recruiting session. Fifty young adults attended, some of whom the unit
is now trying to mentor through the process, Laush said.

The changes so far - including an open line of communication - have
made a difference, Laush said. "To solve these crimes, we need to
build bridges. We need to be able to talk to these people. Now they're
approaching us. Now there's dialogue there."

Youth worker Fowzia Duale said they were "disappointed" at first with
the level of police engagement. Her organization, Midaynta Community
Services, was one of most critical of policing after the raids.

But Duale said the Somali unit's officers sat down with them and
asked: "What can we do?"

Encourage more youth to join the force, Duale's group said. Hold
regular meetings. Visit Minnesota where a similar organization has
dramatically decreased crime. "And they did that," Duale said. There
are still many grievances, she said, like 50 unsolved homicides of
Somali youth. "I think the community is still very heartbroken."
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MAP posted-by: Matt