Pubdate: Sun, 23 Feb 2014
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2014 The Associated Press
Authors: Ken Thomas and Steve Peoples, The Associated Press


The States' Leaders Weigh in on Whether Legalization Is Worth It.

Washington (AP) - All the buzz at the National Governors Association 
meeting over legalizing pot, some say, is just smoke.

Nearly two months after Colorado began selling recreational 
marijuana, the nation's governors are taking a cautious approach to 
loosening their drug laws.

Republican and Democratic governors meeting in Washington this 
weekend expressed broad concern for children and public safety should 
recreational marijuana use spread. At the same time, Colorado Gov. 
John Hickenlooper warned other governors against rushing to follow his lead.

He said he has spoken to "half a dozen" governors with questions 
about his state's experience, including some who "felt this was a 
wave" headed to their states.

"When governors have asked me, and several have, I say that we don't 
have the facts. We don't know what the unintended consequences are 
going to be," Hickenlooper said. "I urge caution."

The Democrat continued, "I say, if it was me, I'd wait a couple of years."

States are watching closely as Colorado and Washington establish 
themselves as national pioneers after becoming the first states to 
approve recreational marijuana use.

"I just had a long-standing belief that legalizing marijuana would 
not be in the interest of our youth or our people," said Indiana Gov. 
Mike Pence, a Republican.

New Hampshire Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan says she opposes 
legalization because her state already struggles with high rates of 
youth substance abuse.

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley said in a few years other states would 
know "whether Colorado was able to reduce harm without creating other 
adverse impacts unforeseen."
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